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"So does Danny boy have himself a boyfriend?"

With that Dan almost spit out his food, his cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

"No dad! He's just a friend." He laughed, watching as his dad raised his eyebrow at him.

"Mhhmm, you're too young to date anyways." He chuckled to himself, finishing his helping of fried rice.

"Tim come on now!" His mother scolded, all three of them laughing.

In the Smith house this was a typical dinner. Tim never seemed to have grown up, him and Dan normally ganging up on Elizabeth. And despite her constant scolding they knew she never meant it.

Elizabeth had gone to culinary school, and as a result she tried cooking dinner at least five times a week. For a while she worked at a four star restaurant as head chef. But when she got pregnant with Dan she went on maternity leave, and never went back to work. She then joined the neighborhood committee, eventually becoming Vice President.

Tim though, still hadn't gained much maturity. Despite the fact of being almost fifty years old, he still had the heart of a child. He blamed it on his job as a pediatrician. In his words, "the little bastards influence him."

Compared to the neighborhood they were just another suburban family. In fact Kyle's mother was one of the only moms living there who work.

"He's really cool actually." Dan smiled, watching as his mother's smile grew wider. All she wanted was for him to feel welcome.

"It's like he's really different from Charlie and Ralph. He's like really quiet, but also not quiet at the same time. It's almost like he's afraid of saying the wrong thing, but when he puts that past him he's hilarious."

"Does he have the cool accent?" His father asked, finishing the rest of his beer.

"Yes. Except he swears it's us who have a weird accent." He laughed remembering the hour long argument the two had the previous day.

"You think he'd want to go to the lake for the fourth? You and the boys can show him how we celebrate." Tim looked at him, waiting for his answer.

"Actually that's a great idea!"


Dan stood in front of Kyle, a wide smile on his face.

"Do you have anything next Friday?"

He watched as Kyle shook his head, looking at him with curiosity.

"Well you do now."

This was short and I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry. My friend from France is in town so I haven't really been on here all that much bc I've been with her

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