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The boys are sitting on an airplane, both of them incredibly nervous.

Kyle can't contain his happiness. It hasn't been that long since he last saw his father, but it feels like it's been at least a year.

Dan is happy, but nervous. He knows how much this trip means to his friend. He knows that Kyle could classify his father as his best friend. All he wants is for this trip to make his friend happy.

"I can't believe this." Kyle grins, looking out the window. It's only five in the morning, but Kyle doesn't seem to notice.

"Have you ever been to London?" He turns to face Dan.

"Nope. We've really only gone places my dad will drive to. I've only ever flown once." He laughs. The Smith family don't travel much. They have all they'll ever need in their small suburban neighborhood. Dan doesn't feel this way. He wants to travel the world, or at least the United States. Despite his love for where he lives, he also wants to explore.

The two get off the flight, both of them tired from the ten hours. Once they get off the plane and get their luggage they wait.

"Dan do you think he's coming?" Kyle's heart is heavy at the thought of it.

"Kyle, we've only been waiting five minutes. Of course he's coming." Dan can feel his stomach in knots. If this doesn't go well he knows Kyle will be absolutely crushed.

But his worries are put to rest as he watches a man slowly walking up, a sign in his hand that reads Kyle and Dan.

Kyle quickly gets up and runs to the man, throwing his arms around his tightly. He can't hold back the smile that's forming on his face. Everything seems to be the exact same.

His father still smells like cigarettes and strong cologne, his curly hair is still a pepper color, and his tattoos are exactly as he remembered them.

"God I've missed you." Kyle can feel a tear rolling down his cheek. He's dreamed of this moment for months.

"I've missed you too." He says, listening as his voice cracks. All three of the men laugh, Kyle feeling his cheeks getting red.

"You must be the ever so famous Daniel. I'm Samuel, but you can just call me Sam." He sticks out his hand for Dan to shake.

Dan seems to be in a state of shock. Despite Kyle showing him a picture of his father, he isn't anything like he expected. Kyle described him a nerdy man, but the man in front of him is tall,muscular, and covered in tattoos.

"Nice to meet you sir." He grins, shaking the man's hand.

"Well let's get you two back to the house."

"I'm sorry I should've cleaned up more." Samuel says as they walk into the tiny apartment.

Kyle can't help but feel a tinge of sadness. He knows that there's no way his father could've afforded to keep the family house. It's still upsetting though.

Samuel's apartment is a tiny two bedroom apartment with a small living room and half of a kitchen. It's nothing like the cozy house they used to live in.

"It's okay." Kyle gives him a soft smile. He looks around, seeing empty beer cans and ash trays filled with cigarette butts occupying every free space.

It's like night and day.

I've written this chapter like eight times bc wattpad keeps fucking up and not saving my shit

Lol the next chapter is such a shit show

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