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"Kyle someone's at the door!" His mother shouts from downstairs. She's gotten used to the two story, never bothering to actually walk up the stairs.

It's nearly two in the afternoon, but he's still dead tired. Sleep seems to be difficult for him lately. Last night it probably didn't help that him and Dan were playing guitar hero until three am. His body just seems to not want sleep. It's difficult to fall asleep, and then when he does he can't stay asleep. Sleep hasn't ever been much of a problem for him, until he moved.


"Coming mum!" He shouts down, slowly getting out of bed. Quickly he puts on a shirt, and athletic shorts and slowly goes down the stairs.

Kyle sees his mom and Will sitting at the kitchen table, Eliza slowly sipping on a cup of coffee. His cheeks quickly heat up, and he doesn't really know why.

"Oh. Uh, hi." He stutters, not knowing what to do.

"Hey." Will grins, and takes a sip of coffee.

"I was wondering if you want to play soccer with me and a few others." Kyle shakes his head yes, even though deep down he's dreading it. His stomach feels like a rock and his heart beats quickly at the thought of having to meet new people. He's quite content with the small amount he knows.

Will then waits as Kyle puts on his shoes, and then the two begin walking. It's quiet, but neither of the boys mind.

"Let's see if Woody is home." Will grins walking up to the front porch of a house that looks identical the rest. Will knocks, and the two are greeted by a shorter boy.

"Hey guys!" The boy smiles, bending down to pick up a soccer ball. He then closes his front door. It's insane to Kyle that Will didn't even say a word and the kid knew exactly what to do.

"Woody this is Kyle. Kyle this is Woody." Will introduces them, watching as the two awkwardly shake hands.

Kyle remembers Dan's little speech about Woody as well. "I wouldn't bother messing with him. Two years ago he got really mad and punched a teacher. His only friend is Will, so that says a lot." Dan's voice rings through his head. Either he's incredibly naive, or Dan is wrong but both of them seem so nice.

The three of them walk to the elementary school field and set up the goal.

"Kyle's on my team." Woody shouts, grabbing onto Kyle.

Kyle has a secret love for football, or soccer. Him and his dad used to spend almost every Sunday night kicking around the ball. He's not athletic, but he doesn't even mind.

While the three sit in the grass after playing Kyle learns that Woody is actually a year younger than him, and Will a year older than he is. It's cool to know that in a matter of months Will, will be able to drive.

He likes these two. Unlike when he hangs out with Ralph, Charlie, and Dan, Kyle feels like he truly belongs. They don't talk about stuff he doesn't understand, or care about.

Is simple.

I think yes!

Lol jk i would never

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