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The three are at a diner, waiting for their crepes to be done. Kyle feels as if his head weighs a thousand pounds, and Dan looks as if he hasn't slept a day in his life. Samuel on the other hand is chipper, showing no symptoms of a hangover.

"You two look like death." He chuckles, thankful for the lack of pain that typically accompanies the morning after.

"Dad I feel like it." Kyle's voice is quiet, his head ringing. In all his life he's never felt this bad.

"Daniel I'm assuming you feel the same?" He asks, finishing off his water glass. Dan just nods, the fluorescent lights of the restaurant too bright for his sensitive eyes.

"Here you are." The waitress smiles, setting the three plates in the table, giving Samuel a wink as she walks away. He knows she likes him. In fact she's one of the reasons Eliza divorced him. Besides the fact that he was basically an alcoholic.

He's never officially gone anywhere with her, but he'd like to think that somewhere just maybe he could find the balls to ask her on a date. But for now he'll continue casually flirting.

"I can't eat this." Kyle groans looking at the huge plate of crepes in front of him. He got Banana and Nutella. And on a normal day, this would look amazing. Not today.

"Kyle look the more unhealthy the food you eat, the quicker you feel better. It's a pretty simple science actually." He smiles, shoveling a fork full into his mouth.

"Trust me." He grins, watching as Kyle slowly picks up his fork. Slowly he cuts a small bite and swallows it.

Thirty minutes later the men are finished, the two boys feeling better.

For the remainder of the day the three walk around the streets of London. Dan is in absolute awe of the city while Kyle could cry at any moment.

These are the streets that feel like home. From the small coffee shop to the grocery store that Kyle and Eliza would spend hours in. The small suburban neighborhood doesn't even come close to this. He even misses the mass amount of pollution that seems to put a gray screen on the city.

"So Dan I hear you're a David Lynch fan?" Samuel smiles, thinking to the multiple times Kyle has called him to tell him about a new movie Dan's shown him.

"Yeah he's my favorite director." He smiles.

"Me too." Samuel grins, leading the boys to a theater. It's small and only shows movies once a night, but it's nonetheless perfect.

They each buy a ticket to Fire Walk With Me. Dan hates to admit but his favorite show is probably Twin Peaks, though he tells Ralph and Charlie that it's Sunday night football. Secretly he hates watching football.

Kyle can't hold back a grin as he sits in between his father and Dan, in London, watching a David Lynch film. This is how he pictures heaven. It's not white lights and clouds and shit. It's sitting between his two favorite people, shoveling popcorn.

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