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After the kiss things are different. A good different though. The boys are happy.

In the weeks following it they've done it several times. In the alley, in their rooms, behind the school. Never out in public. They don't want to tell the world. If they told everybody, it would be more real. By no one knowing, it's just their little secret. There's no pressure or nosy parents.

The night after the kiss, Dan attended Kyle's recital. It really was incredible. It seemed like up on the stage he was a completely different person. On stage he was confident and brave, but then the moment he saw Dan and his mom, his true personality returned.

It's day time, and Dan is hanging out with Charlie and Kyle is with Will.

"How's the toothbrush doing?" Will chuckles, watching as Kyle's cheeks blush.

"I'll take that response as good. I saw you two kissing!" Will says laughing as Kyle turns an even brighter shade of red. He doesn't know how to respond. His stomach feels like a rock, and he feels like throwing up.

"Yeah haha."

Will softly pushes his shoulder, and softens his tone.

"It's okay you know. Dan's an idiot, but he's a good hearted idiot." Kyle can't help but grin. Dan's good. He's so good it's insane.

"He is an idiot." He smiles.

It's twelve at night and Kyle's alone in his room. Radiohead is softly playing while he plays call of duty.

His eyes begin to close and his mind starts to drift off. That is until his phone buzzes from the night stand.

He looks down excepting for it so be Dan but instead it's his father.

"Dad!" Kyle gets a second wave of energy. He's only talked to his dad a couple of times sense he's left London.

"Hey buddy how are you?" His voice is the exact same. It's exactly as Kyle remembered it to be.

"I'm so good." He smiles, making sure to keep his voice down to not disturb his mother. She's been working twelve hour shifts at the hospital.

"How's your mum?" Kyle's smile fades softly when he remembers the divorce. It doesn't feel fair that he never gets to see his dad. He loves Elise to death, but him and his dad have a special relationship.

"She's good. Tired from her job though."

"She's texted me a couple of pictures of you and Daniel. Is that his name?" Kyle nods his head like he can see him.

"He's really cool. I also met this older guy named Will. He's sixteen which is kinda cool." He can hear his father chuckle from the other end. It's a wonderful sound.

"Well I was thinking that maybe you and Daniel could come visit me before school starts. I know it's kind of last minute, but I thought it could be fun. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Oh my gosh yes! Dad I miss you so much!" He almost yells over the phone. His heart is beating so fast he's almost scared.

"Do you think next Tuesday to Friday we be an okay time? That's the only time I can take off from work."


After that they say their goodbyes, and hang up the phone.

It's been a long time since he's been this happy.

Just making shit up as I go :3

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