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"Dan this is bad. We could get into trouble for this." Kyle sighed, watching as Dan opened a can of beer.

Charlie and Ralph were long asleep, and now they were the only two at the house awake.

"It's only bad if they catch us." Dan laughs, handing Kyle an opened can.

"You're right." He laughs, drinking half of it in one sip.

Dan then opens one for himself and together they finish off the rest of the six pack.

"Dan I think I'm drunk." Kyle laughs to himself, laying flat in the scratchy grass. It's nearly midnight, but fireworks are still going off in the distance.

"Me too."

Dan sits up, looking at the drunk boy next to him. He's pretty in a way.

Kyle doesn't look like the other boys from his neighborhood. Unlike the others, he doesn't have an athletic build, which in a way makes him feel better about is lanky body.

He's softer almost. The others try and be "manly" and "cool" while it seems that Kyle is just being himself. It's refreshing.

"Will you stop it." Kyle says, sitting up to face him.

"Stop what?" He smirks, watching as Kyle's cheeks grow red with embarrassment.

"You're starring at me. It's weird."

He then watches as Dan blushes, and lays down next to him. It's comforting to have a friend. He's never exactly had someone like this before. In fact the closest thing he's had was his father.

"Is it weird to say you remind me of my dad?" Kyle laughed, watching as Dan's face showed his confusion.

"In a good way."


Dan then began to take off his clothes. He shook off his shoes, and then lifted up his shirt over his head. He left on his swim trunks, those would be removed closer to the water.

He had never particularly felt anything about the way he looked. His body wasn't too terrible, and his face could be better, but it wasn't anything good or bad.

Kyle's heart sped up as he watched him. The fact that he had no idea what would happen next seemed to intrigue him in a way.

"Come on!" Dan laughed, prompting him to take it off.

Once he was only in his shorts, Dan began running to the dock. He climbed up to the second story, and ducked under the railing to get to the edge.

Kyle quickly ran after him, his stomach in knots.

This knot tightened as he watched Dan remove his shorts and jump into the water.

"Come on in, the water feels amazing!" He yelled, his head the only thing above water.

Without further thought he removed his shorts and jumped into the water. He made a pact to himself. He would no longer hold back. Kyle would take each opportunity and jump into it head first.

Hey everyone. Haven't updated this in actually like six months. So sorry got that, I had been planning on unpublishing this one, but I like it too much.

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