Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

My legs feel like jelly as I stand up from my seat and turn towards the stage, where Clove is staring- wide eyed- right at me. I quickly make my face expressionless as I make my way to the stage knowing that if I panicked the other tributes would think of me as an easy target. They always go for the weak ones first. As I stand up on the stage looking Clove in the eyes, I can't help but hope that I won't have to be the one to kill her. I know it seems weak, I just can't bring myself to kill her- or anyone else for that matter.  

"Now shake hands!" Blueberry squeaked into the microphone happily. And so Clove and I shook hands for the second time that afternoon. This handshake felt forced and unnatural, almost as if we had no choice but to shake hands. Come to think of it, we didn't have a choice. Blueberry turned us around so that we were facing the cheering crowd, everyone seemed ecstatic that their children had been spared for another year. My eyes searched for Xavier and I eventually found him though I wish I hadn't. He was bawling his eyes out into my mums shoulder, and she was crying just as hard onto his head. This was just going to make saying goodbye so much more difficult. With one last wave towards the crowd, we were led into separate rooms by the Peacekeepers. I guess this is time for goodbye. 


I paced back and forwards, anxiously straining my ears for any sign of my family's arrival. I soon heard several sets of footsteps coming down the hallway and stopping in front of the room. The door swung open, revealing my family-tears and all. I run to them and pull them into a long hug, never wanting to let go.  

"Please win, Cato! For us?" Xavier pleaded, hugging me tighter with each word. I hugged him back, just as tight and ruffled his hair like I used to. 

My mum, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke up. "Cato, please do everything you can to win. You have to get sponsors, to do this you need to act like a jerk. I know you aren't a jerk, honey, you just need to pretend. For us?" Her voice sounded so desperate that I nodded my head and pulled her into another hug .The three of us stood there hugging each other until a Peacekeeper came to drag my family, kicking and screaming, away. The next person to say goodbye was Rico. He opened the door to the room with tear filled eyes.  

"You're like a brother to me, Cato." He choked out between sobs. It was the first time I had seen him cry. That's when I realised that he does have someone important to him that he could lose. Me. We stood there in silence, just thinking, until a Peacekeeper led him out of the room and down the hallway. I sat there waiting for a couple more minutes until a new Peacekeeper appeared in the doorway. 

"Follow me." He said, his voice emotionless. If I didn't know any better, I would've said he was a robot. Obediently, I followed the man through room after room. He was quite tall and muscly, much musclier than anyone in our district. I guess Peacekeepers have to be around here. He had grey eyes and short black hair that was shaved very shortly on his head. Eventually, we came to a stop in a room where another Peacekeeper came and led me to our District train- Our transport to the Capitol. Climbing aboard, I began to search for Clove. Walking around the train, I came across a dining room carriage where Clove was seated at the table. She was looking around the room in awe. Even though we are one of the richer Districts, we can't compare to the Capitol. Even this train carriage was fancier than my entire house, possibly the entire District. I opened the door to the carriage and stepped inside, still looking around at everything. The dining room table was made out of what looked to be mahogany and the chairs matched. The chandelier above the table was made of thousands of crystals that seemed to make the light dance off the walls. Surrounding the table were bouquets of flowers that I've never seen before. They were breathtakingly beautiful.  

I slowly made my way over to the table, admiring every little tiny detail of the carriage. Clove looked up at me as I sat down across from her at the table. "Well, hasn't today been swell." She sighs sadly, poking the tablecloth with her fork. 

"Yeah, it's been just awesome." I say just as sadly, thinking about my goodbyes. I decided to share some advice with her, if I'm not going to win I want her to be the one to. "You know we have to act like jerks if one of us wants to get out of here alive, right?" I tell her in a hushed tone. 

"Yeah, I've been practicing." She tells me in the same hushed tone. She glanced up to see the confused expression on my face and laughed lightly. "I've been acting like a jerk to the mentor, Avalius Bitterbree. It's training." She answers in a slightly amused tone.  

The door opens to reveal our mentor. He didn't look too happy. "You try!" She said with a giggle. I nodded my head and turned to face Avalius. 

"Who said that you could be in here?" I asked in the meanest tone that I could put on. Clove tried to stifle her laughter as Avalius's face twisted into a look of confusion. Still looking confused, he glanced behind where he was standing to see if I was talking to him. 

"Uh, are you talking to me?" He asked slowly when he realised that there was nobody behind him.  

I rolled my eyes in response although I was trying hard not to laugh. "No, I was talking to that lovely wall behind you!" My voice dripped with sarcasm and a nasty tone took over my voice. "At least it has a reason to be in this room, unlike you." I continued. 

His face soon became outrageous looking. "You want to survive or not, kid? I can make your life in the arena a living hell if I want to!" He snarled back at me. Maybe I went a bit too far with that one, I look over to Clove for help but she's too busy laughing her head off. 

"I'm so sorry sir, I just was told that I needed to act like a jerk and so..." I began but was quickly cut off by the sound of a chuckle escaping from his lips. Soon Clove and Avalius were both on the ground, laughing and I was standing there wondering what the heck was going on. 

After their fit of laughter had subsided, I gave them both a questioning look. Avalius wiped a tear of laughter from his face, walked up to me and casually slung an arm over my shoulder. "I was just joking; I knew that you were just practicing. I've been mentoring for twelve years now, I think I know a lot of the techniques these kids have." He answered with a chuckle. "Now listen, I like you so I'm going to give you a little tip." He gestured for me to come closer, so I did. He leaned down to whisper in my ear and I eagerly leaned forward, wanting to learn some more tips. "You don't need to act like a jerk in front of anyone. You just need to intimidate other tributes and show possible sponsors that you have a chance of winning." He told me, a serious tone taking over his voice. 

"But I don't have a chance of winning." I responded in a sad voice. "I probably won't last through the bloodbath." 

"Nonsense! Do you have any skills with weapons?" He asked curiously. Before I had time to answer him, Clove butted in. 

"Yes, he does. He's very skilled with a sword, I've seen him training." She boasts for me. I turn to face her and see her giving me a warm smile which I can't help but return. 

"That's useful." He said, honesty clear in his eyes, " How good are your reflexes?" He asked me with slight curiosity written on his face. Before I had time to respond, he picked up a knife and threw it straight at my head.


Author's Note:

A picture of Rico is at the side :)

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