Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

As I continued to train with Glimmer, my mind stayed focused on the anger that I had seen in Cloves face. Why would she throw a knife at Glimmer? It doesn't make any sense.  

"Cato? Are you even listening to me?" I snapped back to reality as Glimmer's voice broke into my thoughts. I hadn't been paying attention to what she was saying; only nodding my head absent-mindedly. I just couldn't focus as I was too busy trying to analyse why Clove had thrown the knife. If I hadn't pushed Glimmer out of the way... Let's just say it wouldn't have ended well. Why would Clove purposefully try to harm anyone, especially Glimmer. She seems really nice. 

"Oh sorry. I'm not really focused much." I admitted to her, guilt taking over me. Glimmer walked over to me from her position in front of the training dummy. Slowly she sits down and pats the spot next to her, gesturing for me to sit down. I nod my head and sit down, facing her. 

"I think that Clove was getting a bit jealous of me talking to you." She told me before continuing, "Is she your girlfriend?" I was shocked at the question and therefore hesitated to respond. 

"No we're just friends." I respond truthfully. We hadn't been friends for very long but we were friends, nevertheless. 

There's a long pause before she speaks again, much quieter. "Do you want her to be?" Do I? I haven't really thought of Clove as much more than just a friend. Especially considering the fact that I haven't known her that long. I feel as if I've known her longer than just a week, though. Strange, right? I open my mouth to respond when suddenly, the training room doors are thrown open to reveal a squad of Peacekeepers. I immediately know that the training session for today is over and we are about to be escorted back to our rooms. I turn back to Glimmer to respond but meet an empty space.  

Sighing, I stand and make my way over to the Peacekeeper that is to escort my District. Clove is standing next to the red-headed Peacekeeper, tapping her foot impatiently. "Did you have fun talking to your girlfriend?" Clove spat in a nasty tone. Why is she so angry? 

The entire walk back to our rooms was tense and silent. I tried to make conversation with the Peacekeeper to lessen the awkwardness. I found out that her name is Trudy and she has been working as a Peacekeeper in the Capitol for three years. That was the only conversation that we made as the walk to my room was short, thankfully. 

I stepped into the large, mahogany cupboard. 'What is with everything here being mahogany?' I wonder to myself with a chuckle. Choosing a pair of navy blue tracksuit pants and a plain white singlet, I make my way out of the cupboard and into the nearby bathroom. As I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed, I wondered why Clove was acting so weird. 'Maybe she's just nervous about the Games.' I answer myself. Satisfied with my conclusion, I turn off the light and snuggle under the warm duvet cover. Closing my eyes I drift off into yet another bone chilling nightmare. 

The strange wasps are chasing me, injecting me with their deadly poisons. I recognise them as tracker jackers, a Capitol mutation that can cause severe hallucinations. In serious cases, death. Their stingers puncture my skin, causing me to scream in pain. I can see a river up ahead and double my speed. I am desperate to relieve the pain of these stings, each one as painful as the last. Making a final leap, I launch myself into the river and writhe about as the wasps cling onto my skin. I scream over and over again until all I hear is the buzzing of the tracker jackers.


Author's Note: 

Sorry that this chapter was so short. I didn't know how to extend it :/ I hope you liked it anyway. My writing kinda sucks because I'm only thirteen fourteen in December :) Keep reading and vote, comment and fan pleeeease :D 


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