Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: 

Fear filled my body as I pondered through the millions of possibilities as to what could be behind the trees. I sent a silent goodbye to my family before turning back to the trees as a figure made their way towards us. 

I lifted my sword high above my head, much like I did in the training centre, and prepared to strike down on the figure. The figure seemed surprised to see us and quickly turned to run back into the woods. 

It wasn't fast enough though; Clove and I had tackled it to the ground in seconds. It was then that I saw that we were, in fact, sitting on another tribute as they struggled for air. Reluctantly, we got off him and I lifted my sword to strike. 

"Please don't kill me! Please!" He begged, looking absolutely terrified. I lowered the sword a little, not wanting to kill him at all.

We have to though. 

"Give us one reason why we shouldn't just kill you now." I respond, avoiding looking into his eyes. 

His eyebrows furrow as he tries to think of a good reason. "I'm great with technology! I can create super weapons for you! I can also guard the camp whilst you are hunting down the other tributes." 

There's that word again. Hunting. 

Unfortunately for him, none of these reasons appealed to me. They had nothing to do with killing Katniss and he would just be a weight on the group. We'd have to kill him eventually so why not now. 

"I have an idea." Clove speaks up, smirking as if she just worked out how to kill President Snow. Oh, if only she had. 

"Well, let's hear it then." I said, returning the smirk. The tribute looked at Clove in curiosity, seemingly forgetting that we can easily kill him. He is about the size of a toothpick compared to me. 

Clove then begins to explain her plan and the tribute boy and I nod our head in agreement. 

Katniss Everdeen, you're going down. 


"What's all the noise about?" Glimmer asks groggily yet angrily at the same time; she really hates being woken up. Marvel and Peeta had woken up a few hours earlier than she had, Clove and I never slept.  

The entire night, and morning, was spent keeping an eye on the tribute boy so that he doesn't escape without completing the plan. It was a brilliant plan, I had to admit. Who knew Clove could be that clever? 

I knew she was clever but I had no idea that she had the ability to come up with such a genius plan. Well, you can add that onto the huge list of awesome things about her. 

Man, the Games are driving me crazy. 

"Done!" The tribute boy yelled, grinning madly at his creation. 

At the same time, Glimmer mumbled, "What the heck is going on? Who's that?" 

I ignored her, walking over to admire the wonderful trap that had been created. To anybody else, the trap would look like a simple pile of food.  

It isn't though. 

The tribute boy had retrieved all the mines from underneath the platforms, somehow rewired them to become active again and then buried them under the pile of food. If anyone were to try and take the food, they would trigger the mines. 

I bet all the cameras are on us right now. 

"Wow," I said, unable to utter anymore words. 

The tribute boy grinned proudly at the trap, admiring his work. 

Now the Games have really begun... 


Author's Note: 

I actually wrote this chapter after I wrote 16... I just decided not to update straight after I updated 16, I hope you enjoyed it! 

Sorry for it being so short!


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