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Author's Note:

Please tell me if you don't understand this, I'm not sure if this is clear. I'm a bit sad, yet happy, that this story is finished. Please check out my other stories!



Three coffins sit side by side as their families' cries of pain and depression break through the silence. A single crow sits in a tree nearby, watching as the woman, with hair so blonde and a face so wrinkled in despair, comforts a young boy that has witnessed his brother's death. A single figure stands, shedding a single tear at his lost friend with a face twisted into pain.

The sad thing, though funerals are surely sad enough, is that only one man stands, mourning, for the deceased girl. The man has nobody, no one at all. His daughter was the last person he had and now, she too, was gone. Other citizens stop by to give their condolences, yet they are lucky that their families are still in one piece.

The boy and the girl, that lay still as can be, are forever together in another place. They left their families behind to face the consequences of their deaths.

Nobody knows that Clove's father will drown his money in alcohol, wasting his life away. Nobody knows that he tried to commit suicide countless amounts of times. Nobody knows that he wishes it were his life that was taken instead of his two daughters.

Nobody knows that Rico will take his own life, as his best friend did in that horrible arena, too overcome with grief to overcome the pain each day. Nobody knows that he had nobody, except for his best friend.

Nobody knows that President Snow fulfilled his promise.

Five coffins sit side by side, bound not only by tears, but love.

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