Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: 

Clove's POV: 

I run without looking back, ignoring the shouts from Cato that leave a stabbing pain in my heart. I'm sorry that I have to leave him; I really wish that I could stay with him. I can't though; there's nothing left for me at home. 

"Clove! Clove, come back!" I try to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill as I urge my feet to run faster through the forest. I can hear heavy footsteps behind me and know that Cato is trying to stop me. I can't let him stop me; I have to do this. 

I have to do this for him. 

One day, he'll thank me. He has much more potential than me anyway. He still has his brother, I don't have anyone. It was just my sister and I, the District 2 orphans, trying to survive on our own. I can't believe that I didn't just give up all those years ago. I guess it was always because I didn't want to leave Gemma by herself. Now I'm on my own and I hate it. 

Every day is spent regretting my past and hoping the future will be better. It won't be though; it never will be.  

I hope that Cato can forgive me for doing this to him. I love him, I really do. I never thought that I would ever admit it to myself, but I just did. I wasn't going to win these Games anyway. 

I was born to die. 

Come to think of it, we all are. The Capitol doesn't care about us; they just want a good show. Well, if it's a good show they want, it's a good show they'll get. 

I speed up my pace and reach the Cornucopia eventually, instantly spotting Katniss Everdeen. This is my final favour to you before I leave you, Cato. I grab my knife out, trying to convince myself to do it for Cato. This is for Cato. 

With a large leap, I tackle Katniss to the ground and completely catch her off guard. She fights against my hold until I manage to pin her down, smiling evilly. I reach for my knife, watching her carefully as she struggles underneath my grip. 

"Where's lover boy?" I ask teasingly, grinning down at her whilst running the sharp blade of my knife along the side of her face. She continues to struggle as I run the knife over her face threateningly. 

"You'll get to see our little ally, Rue wasn't it?" I taunt, watching the grief cross over her face at the mention of the girl's name. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one suffering here. 

"We killed her and now we're going to kill you." I say before feeling a strong arm pull me off her and throw me onto the ground. I look up into the angry eyes of Thresh, immediately cowering away in fear. 

"What did you say about her? Did you kill her?" He demands, staring daggers at me. I know that I am going to die at any moment and it scares me. I thought that it would be easier if I died, only now do I realise how scared I am. 

"No, I didn't say that!" I scream, crawling away from him. This just causes his face to scrunch up even more in anger. 

"I heard you say her name!" He shouts, coming closer to me and glaring at me. I see that he's holding something in his hand and squint my eyes to see it better. It's a rock that he's holding, a very large one. Large enough to break someone's skull, I notice. 

"Cato!" I scream loudly, hoping that he'll sweep in and rescue me. Life isn't a fairy tale though, it's harsh and cruel and scary. I can't just expect that I won't have to pay the consequences for my actions. 

"Clove?" I hear someone shout from faintly in the distance. That's definitely Cato's voice. My heart jumps in hope that he will save me. I want him to save me from my suffering and fear. I want him to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be alright, even if it really isn't. 

"Cato!" I shout louder, growing more desperate by the second. I can't help but feel a slight sliver of hope that he will reach me in time. If we win together, we can be together at home. Why did I not think about this before? Because I act without thinking and rush into horrible situations. 

Thresh's large figure comes into view once again, blocking the little sunlight that was shining. I scream loudly as he raises the rock high above his head. 

I know that I am going to die.


Author's Note: 

Two chapters in one day! Next chapter is going to be very sad (Well, for me anyway...) and I will post a super sad song that I discovered recently which I think will fit next chapter perfectly. I want it to be played at my funeral; it's the saddest song I've ever heard. 

Anyways, vote and comment and tell me what you think! 


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