Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: 

The days at training all go by the same. We train, we talk, we form alliances and we train some more. It's not worth it since I'm most likely going to die anyway. Eventually, the time comes for us to show the Game makers what we're made of. Today determines how long I survive in the Games. If I screw up, I get a low score. If I get a low score, I get no sponsors. If I get no sponsors, I die. Simple. 

Suddenly, my name was called and I immediately feel my heartbeat quicken. Standing, I made my way to the doors that would lead to my fate. A sudden wave of confidence washes over me as I remember my family's smiling faces, their pleads for me to win. I shouldn't be cowering; I have to win this thing. Surging with hope, I push my way through the doors and stand in front of the Game makers. 

"Cato Gold, District 2." I say loudly to the Game makers who seemed to be pleasantly surprised at the lack of my nerves. Their eyes follow me as I walk towards the stands that hold the many weapons. My eyes scan the area for a trusty sword that I can't seem to find. I begin to panic until I see it on a rack towards the back of the room. I stride towards it and lift it high above my head as I walk towards the training dummies, still fully aware that all eyes were on me. Leaping high, I plunged the sword deep into the dummies chest; right where the heart should be. The Game makers applaud and I feel pride well up inside my chest. I continued stabbing the dummies, followed by rounds of applause, until I was told that my session was over. I respectfully bowed my head towards the Game makers and make my way to the door feeling content. I would most likely at least get a seven with the applause I got in there. 


The nerves spring up inside me again as Clove, Avalius, Lorielle and I gathered onto the luxurious lounge in front of the television. I guess Lorielle finally had the common sense to wear an outfit that she could actually take a seat in. I bite my lip to try and hold in the nerves, Clove must notice how nervous I am as she slips her hand into mine and squeezes it reassuringly. I smile at her and turn my attention back to the screen just as my face comes up on the screen, the number '10' following soon after. I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding and smiled proudly to myself. I haven't let my family down.  

I sit through the rest of the scores, thinking deeply about what could be happening back home. My mother and Xavier would be in bed by now. I wonder if things are the same there since I left. I hope so; it'll make life easier for them when I die if they can get over me. At the sound of gasps, I turn my head to see Clove, Avalius and Lorielle staring with their mouths wide open at the screen. Whipping my head to face the screen, I stare at the District 12 girls score in disbelief. Someone from District 12 getting an eleven? That's unheard of. There must be a mistake. The Capitol doesn't make mistakes though. My eyes float down to the District 12 girls name. Katniss Everdeen.  

Well, Katniss Everdeen from District 12, game on. 


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter :) I interviews are next chapter... I know that I said I was skipping them but I decided not to. I have heaps of other ideas for stories so you should check them out when I upload them. Remember, this is my first story on Wattpad... I accept constructive criticism but not full- on hate. I hope you're enjoying reading this story :) 

-Emily :)

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