Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: 

At some point that night, I woke up. I woke up because I could feel someone lying in my arms beside me. It didn't feel right though; it didn't feel natural. 

I looked down to see Glimmer, curled up into a ball and snoring lightly. She didn't look as cute as Clove when she slept though. 

Why am I being so weird? 

I was about to lift my hand, causing her to roll away from me, when another thought entered my mind. 

President Snow is watching. 

I'll just hope that Clove saw Glimmer and I sleeping like this; I have to make sure that she stays away from me. I really wish I didn't have to though. 

Eventually, another wave of drowsiness hit me and I fell into another, long sleep. Little did I know what would await me that morning... 


The feeling of needles, little pin pricks coating my skin, woke me from my sleep. I waved my arms about madly, attempting to swat at the tracker jacker swarm beside me. I look around to see a large number of tracker jackers attacking everybody else. 

Where the heck did these come from? 

Painful screams echo around me as the tracker jackers continue to inject their deadly poisons into my skin. I can feel the cold, acid like liquid as it courses through my blood stream.  

I force my feet to ignore the pain and to begin to run to the stream that was nearby. I don't even bother looking back although I was hoping that Clove would make it out alive. 

Is this the Capitol's way of making the Games slightly more entertaining? 

Soon, the clear stream comes into view and I push my legs to run faster and further. As soon as I am within jumping distance, I dive into the cool stream and immediately feel my burning skin begin to cool down.  

I hear two more splashes and sigh in relief as I see Clove and Marvel's heads pop out of the water.

Wait, where's Glimmer? 

As if answering my question, a series of painful screams echo from the forest. They are definitely Glimmer's. 

Marvel rushes out of the water, desperately trying to reach her in time. I reach out to stop him just in time. 

"Don't get yourself hurt; you can't save her." I whisper, feeling grief envelope me as I picture Glimmer struggling to escape the deadly stings. 

I'm not sure if it was the hallucinations that caused me to see Katniss Everdeen jump into the lake beside me. All I know was the amount of anger that I felt towards her. I never thought that I'd ever be able to kill anybody; now, I actually wanted to kill her. 

Without hesitation, I lift my sword and plunge it deep into her, missing by just inches. I managed to give her a great cut though. 

Immediately she begins to run back to where the tracker jackers had been only minutes earlier. I follow, sprinting straight for her. 

"Cato, why'd you cut Peeta?" Marvel yelled at me as I ran after Katniss. She had now begun to look like Peeta slightly.

Damn hallucinations! 

It was his entire fault though. If we hadn't given up on trying to get her, she'd probably be dead by now and Glimmer would be alive. Suddenly, I want to kill him desperately. It was probably his plan all along; to protect her from us. 

"Run, Katniss! Go, go, go!" I hear Peeta's voice yell out, causing me to pick up my pace. The tracker jackers had caused my entire leg to go limp though, making it very hard to catch up with him.  

Eventually, my entire body goes numb and I eventually pass out. I can hear the sound of footsteps from behind me and Clove and Marvel yelling out to me.  

Slowly, my eyelids close and all I see is black. 

I wonder if this is what dying feels like.


Author's Note: 

Well, I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment and tell me what you think! :D  


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