Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: 

"How long do you think it will be now?" I ask, watching as Clove worriedly paces back and forth repeatedly. She stops for a second to roll her eyes at me, before sitting on the floor beside me. 

"I don't know, Cato," She sighs, leaning her head on my shoulder. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, causing me to jump slightly. Clove gives me a questioning look and I feel my cheeks turn slightly pink. I duck my head to prevent her from seeing, causing her to sigh loudly. 

"Why did you seem startled?" She asks, lifting my chin with her finger and forcing me to look at her. My breath hitches as I realise how close we are and I shiver at the feel of her warm breath fanning my cheek. 

"I-I'm just cold," I respond, saying the first thing that comes into my mind. She nods her head and slowly lifts her arms up from beside her.  

What is she doing? 

My question is answered a moment later when she wraps her arms around me, attempting to keep me warm. I'm actually not even cold, but I'd never say that out loud; I'm enjoying this moment too much. Wait, did I just say that I was enjoying this? 

These Games are driving me crazy. Aren't they? Maybe I've reached the point of insanity, at last. President Snow did threaten my family, after all. I have every right to be crazy right now. But, what if I'm not insane? What if I really do like Clove?  

I can't let that happen and I can't think like that. I have to keep everybody safe. Why can't I just not have to worry about anything? Why can't I just live in the moment? So, that's exactly what I decided to do. 

I wrapped my arms around Clove, pulling her closer towards me. Her cheeks turn a slight crimson colour and I smile lightly at her. We smile at each other, completely oblivious to the world around us. We were completely oblivious to the fact that thousands of people are watching us at this very moment. 

Eventually, a large sound erupts from the sky, causing us both to look up in alarm. The Capitol seal flashes in the sky, accompanied by the sound of blaring trumpets. How tributes manage to sleep through that, I have no idea. That's probably the point. 

I watch in fear of the faces that show up and desperately hope that Marvel's isn't one of them. If he isn't, then there's no explanation for his absence. I just hope that he's okay. 

Much to my disappointment, Marvel's familiar face flashes up on the screen and I sigh in disbelief. Deep down, I was hoping that he wouldn't show up on there. Clove lets out a similar sigh as the Capitol symbol flashes again before slowly fading to darkness. We sit in silence for a while, unsure of what to say. 

"I guess it's just you and me, now," I say to Clove, standing and beginning to light a fire. It's much more nerve wracking in the dark with only the two of us, you have no idea what's going to happen. I feel a sharp pain in my head and let out a groan. I thought I was finally getting better, I guess the headaches are back. 

"Are you still sick from the Tracker Jacker venom?" She asks me, already knowing the answer. I nod my head weakly and lie down, waiting for the pain to pass so that I can continue lighting the fire. "Here, let me light it. You should rest." 

I reluctantly let her light the fire and stare up at the sky, looking at the different star constellations. I wish that we weren't here. One of us has to die and I don't want either of us to. I want a chance to be with Clove and to see what life would be like together. 

"It's pretty scary, isn't it?" Clove mumbles from beside me, finally achieving her goal of igniting the fire. She continues speaking as she feeds the fire more leaves, "Knowing that one of us, or both, won't make it out alive." 

I simply nod my head, not knowing what to say. To be honest, I never thought I'd survive for this long.  

Clove stares into the fire, seemingly deep in thought. I study her carefully, taking in every one of her features. Her freckles, the tip of her nose, everything. 

"We should enjoy all the time that we have," She continued, meeting my gaze. I give her a small nod, not quite knowing what she meant. Slowly, she moved her head closer to mine, closing her eyes. I feel my own eyes flutter closed before feeling the warmth of her lips pressed against my own.  

I let all my worries fade away and think only of the kiss. For once since we've been in this arena, I let myself relax.


Author's Note: 

Go Clato! :D Please vote, comment and tell me what you think. Also, I want to know your opinion; should I write a chapter from Clove's POV?

Please answer in the comments below, it'd be a great help!


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