Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: 

Two days. It's been two days since we've seen her. 

I wish that she would just die of natural causes so that I wouldn't have to kill her myself. As much as I hate her, I still feel guilty at the thought of killing another human. It's strange though, we aren't that different to animals yet nobody ever feels guilty at the thought of killing them as opposed to humans. 

My headaches have only gotten worse, Clove seems worried. She probably thinks that I'm going to die. I don't blame her; I don't feel as if I'm going to make it for very much longer. Ever since the tracker jackers attacked, my blood has felt like fire. I can't think straight or walk very long distances without taking a rest. 

Lately it's gotten much worse. I suppose that's how it is in the arena; we have to die anyway, right? Only one person can survive so I don't have much of a chance anyway. I can't believe I ever thought that I could win this. 

"Do you think we should go look for her?" Clove suddenly asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shrug weakly, rubbing my temples in an attempt to soothe my headache. 

"The Gamemakers will eventually lead her to us or vice versa. I need to rest anyway; I'm feeling much worse." I reply to which Clove gives me a worried look.  

"You need medicine, not rest." She tells me, sighing and lying down across from me. "You've been resting a lot and you've only gotten worse." 

I didn't need to tell her that I was feeling worse each day, she can tell. I think it might be the way that I never stand up anymore or maybe because my face is much paler. I can tell that she worries about me which is stupid; one of us has to die anyway. 

"What about Marvel? He's acting pretty different in the past couple of days." I say, trying to change the subject. Clove gives me a disbelieving look as if saying, 'Are you an idiot?' 

"That's not sickness, it's sadness. There's a big difference, you know." She answers, rolling her eyes. 

I sigh and look up at the sky, staring at the fluffy clouds as they pass. Clove gazes up at them too, sighing in admiration. 

"It's the closest thing to home." She sighs, watching as the clouds slowly float by. I nod my head in agreement, finally feeling my headache fade slightly. Suddenly, the white and puffy clouds become large, grey wisps of smoke. 

"Someone's lighting a fire." I shout, jumping to my feet. I quickly grab my sword as Clove jumps up and grabs her own weapon. Marvel soon joins us, followed by the District 3 boy. We head into the trees in the direction where the smoke is strongest, soon realising that another fire has been lit, causing another set of smoke to erupt. 

"Let's split up!" I yell, barely able to see the others. "Clove, you come with me." I feel as if I need to be with her, just in case something happens. The whole situation seems really dodgy, as if something is going to happen. A third fire is soon set after Clove and I reach the first fire, causing our suspicions to be confirmed.  

This is definitely a trap. 

"We need to warn the others!" I yell to the cloud of smoke that separates Clove and I. Eventually, the area clears up enough for me to see her clearly and I grab her hand, pulling her through the trees. 

In no time at all, Clove and I reach the second fire where we find the District 3 boy, standing with a confused look on his face. 

"It's a trap," I tell him, looking around urgently. "Wait, where's Marvel?" I ask with desperation; he's nowhere in sight. 

"He headed for the third fire a few seconds before you arrived." He answers with a shrug, not seeing anything slightly suspicious about the situation. The sound of an explosion coming from the direction of the campsite causes all of our heads to swivel around at once. 

"The supplies!" The three of us yell in unison, already running towards the campsite. We arrive in a few minutes, puffing and panting from the long run. I give a frustrated yell at the sight before me. Somebody has triggered the landmines, resulting in all of our food being blown up. 

My anger soon becomes directed at the District 3 boy and I lunge at him, snapping his neck in one quick movement. Clove lets out a loud gasp, obviously not expecting that kind of reaction from me. A cannon booms through the arena. 

"At least whoever triggered it was blown up," She tells me, attempting to calm me down. In tough situations, she's the only person that can calm me down. "Besides, maybe it was Katniss Everdeen." 

The thought pleases me and I give Clove a huge grin, which she returns. "I guess we'll find out tonight." I say, still grinning. The smile is wiped off my face as a thought hits me, "I didn't hear a cannon go off." 

Clove seems to contemplate this for a moment before returning her gaze to my eyes. "The explosion was pretty loud. It could've blocked out the sound of a cannon." She tells me, happy with her own answer. 

I let out a small laugh at her smug look before another thought dawns over me. 

"Wait, where's Marvel?" 

The sound of two cannons answers my question.


Author's Note: (IMPORTANT) 

First of all, I'm sorry for not updating in FOREVER! I've decided to make a schedule which I will try my hardest to follow. If you want to see the schedule, it will be on my 'About Me'.

Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote, it makes me happy! :)


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