Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: 

I was relieved that training was finally over. Well, I was relieved until I found out that I had to start a whole new type of training. Training for the interviews. 

Avalius had decided, after fifteen minutes of pulling a strange face whilst staring at me, that my personality for interviews should be tough, confident and brave. Something about suiting my exterior, I guess.  

All of the training hasn't really paid off as my mind is completely blank, most likely out of fear of messing up. I can't remember anything that Avalius taught me and my interview is next. To say I was nervous would be an understatement; I was screaming on the inside. 

I shakily adjusted my navy blue tie and tried to return my breathing to normal as I heard Caesar Flickerman shout my name out to the audience. Plastering a fake smile onto my face, I stared into the faces of those that I absolutely loathe. Their gazes were filled with absolute admiration. This is all a game to them.

How would they feel if they had to play? 

I turned my concentration to Caesar as he gestured for me to take a seat on a red, velvet seat directly beside him. I smiled with thanks; I'm pretty sure my legs wouldn't have been able to support me for much longer. 

"So, Cato," Caesar boomed as I took a seat. I tried to muster up as much confidence as I could. "How do you feel about the games?" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I avoided eye contact with this strange man that I had only seen through our static television. Should I lie? Well, obviously, I can't just tell the truth; that would definitely not go well with the Capitol.

The real question is; can I lie? 

Making my decision, I sit straighter in my seat and flash a dazzling, but fake, smile towards the audience. "I can't wait to get out there and show everyone what I've got. The games are my time to shine!" I yell, causing the audience to go ballistic. Liar, I'm a liar. I'd much rather be at home with my family, laughing at nothing in particular.

I miss those days. 

"I hear that in District 2, there's an Academy that trains you in the arts of survival and combat. Did you attend this Academy?" Caesar continues once the crowd has calmed down. They ask the same questions every year.


At least I won't have to lie for this one. "Yes, I had the pleasure of training at the Academy. All the other tributes better watch out for me." I smile out at the audience, feeling my confidence boost as they rise from their seats and applaud like their lives depended on it. It takes all of my self-control not to throw this chair at them.

How can they be so cheerful about children dying?  

The remainder of the interview is the same. Caesar asks a question, I lie and the audience goes crazy. The interviews are the same every year. 

"Do you have any siblings back home that you miss?" Caesar suddenly asks, turning absolutely serious. That caught me off guard. It was a good thing that I was sitting; my legs just completely turned to jelly. 


I couldn't respond. I don't know why, I just couldn't. I can't just lie; Xavier is probably at home watching me right now. I can't tell the truth either; I'll look weak. My eyes slowly drop, completely forgetting about my tough act. 

"Yes, I have a brother." I tell him, still not looking up. I can feel everybody's intense gazes on me, including the tributes. Nobody was expecting this, not even I. 

Caesar's voice broke through the silence suddenly, causing me to jump. "What were your last words to him?" Wow, I thought those last stares were intense. I felt as if holes were burning into my skin. A million tiny holes burning through my flesh and bone.  

I turn behind me to look at Clove and our eyes meet, just for a second, before I cast mine downwards. "Nothing important." I reply quickly, hoping that Caesar will just leave it. I sit up straighter in my seat and make eye contact with the audience, meeting their faces that were full of admiration. 

"Mummy, I want to be just like him!" A small boy yells from the crowd, pointing up at me.

No you don't. I'm a liar. Liar, liar, liar. 

Caesar is about to say something when an alarm interrupts him. "Give a round of applause for Cato Gold, District 2's male tribute!" He yells to the audience, disappointment clear on their faces. I flash one last smile that doesn't reach my eyes, before walking offstage. Clove gives me a reassuring smile before she glides onto the stage bravely. 

I can't help but admire her for the entire interview. It's as if she built a brick wall that blocks out her emotions from showing. Never once does she hesitate or break eye contact with the audience.  

When she finally finishes, the crowd goes crazy with admiration. As soon as she sits next to me, her wall falls apart. I can see every emotion as it passes through her freckly face. Fear, relief, sadness and something else that I don't quite know.  

One thing's for sure. Clove is definitely going to win this thing. I do have a suspicion of the girl from 12 though. She has the fiery attitude that most victors have.


Author's Note: 

Hey! I am so, so, so, so sorry for not updating in ages. It's nearly holidays which means that I'll have more time to write. Just hang in there, I update this story whenever I can :) I hope you liked this chapter!  

PS: Maybe when I've finished this story I will go back to this chapter and put in Clove's interview. :)

-Emily :D

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