Trust exercises

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Derek looked up to see Gage basically dragging Stiles in the front door.

"Gage, it's too early for this." Stiles whined.

Derek frowned glancing at the clock. It was eight in the morning.

"What's going on?" Derek asked setting his book aside.

"Oh, thank goodness, Derek please tell your brother it's too early for trust exercises." Stiles yawned.

"Did you come home last night?" Derek asked inspecting Gage's outfit from the day before.

"I ended up crashing with Stiles." Gage answered.

"Crashing with Stiles meaning..." Derek narrowed his.

"We fell asleep talking, don't worry I didn't sleep with your brother." Stiles rolled his eyes. "Well not like that anyway."

"Hey, you act like that would be such a bad thing." Gage said sounding offended.

"Bad? No. Unlikely? Extremely." Stiles explained.

"You wouldn't sleep with me?" Gage asked raising a brow.

"More like you wouldn't sleep with me." Stiles scoffed.

"Okay, that's enough of that conversation. Gage why did you drag Stiles here so early? Don't you know he's extra annoying before ten a.m.?" Derek snapped.

"I tried telling him." Stiles threw his hands up.

"We're gonna do some trust exercises but I wanted to change first." Gage answered.

"Trust exercises?" Derek frowned.

"Yes, I think it's something we should start doing with the pack. I thought I'd try them with Stiles first." Gage smiled at his brother.

Derek shook his head. "Good luck."

"Derek." Stiles whined. "Don't let him do this."

"Oh it's not so bad." Gage chuckled.

"Your late night therapy session kept me up half the night. I'm tired and hungry." Stiles pouted.

"You'll be fine." Gage rolled his eyes before disappearing up the stairs.

"There's cereal in the pantry." Derek smirked at a displeased Stiles.

"I need a nap more." Stiles yawned again, throwing himself down on the couch. He curled up and within a few moments he was out.

Derek looked down fondly at the sleeping boy. He grabbed a nearby blanket and tossed it over Stiles before going back to his book.

"Okay, Sti-" Gage walked in and stopped.

"You'll have better luck with Scott." Derek chuckled.

"But Stiles is the one who doesn't trust me." Gage sighed.

"Stiles does trust you." Derek disagreed.

"Yeah, that's why I found a text to Scott about how he doesn't trust me." Gage rolled his eyes.

"Found a text?" Derek raised a brow.

"His phone was lying there and he'd been secretive with it. I was curious." Gage shrugged.

"I can't imagine why he doesn't trust you." Derek chuckled again.

"He thinks I'm with Theo. It said it was awfully coincidental us showing up at the same time." Gage huffed.

"I can see how that would strike him as odd especially since you were trying to talk him into giving Theo a chance last night." Derek shrugged.

"Hmmm." Gage looked thoughtful.

"Why were you so insistent on him giving Theo another chance?" Derek asked trying not to seem too interested.

"I wanted to make sure he didn't have any residual feelings for him before I swoop in." Gage winked at his brother.

"Swoop in?" Derek frowned setting his book aside.

"Sure, I don't know how you haven't noticed but he's super hot." Gage grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

"No." Derek growled.

"Whoa, am I sensing a little possesivness?" Gage asked raising his brows.

"No, I just know the both of you and it wouldn't work." Derek answered with a huff.

"We'll see about that." Gage winked before walking out leaving Derek gaping after him.

He couldn't let Gage date Stiles it would kill him. Derek had never told anyone about his feelings for Stiles. He knew how absurd it was. Stiles barely tolerated Derek and honestly Derek knew he made it hard but it kept Stiles at arms length. He knew Stiles would never genuinely return the feelings Derek felt and he knew that being any closer to the human only put him at more risk, something Derek couldn't allow.

Update! Let me know what you think.

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