I don't blame you

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"Isaac, call Gage, have him come get us. You and Scott are in no condition to walk." Derek said to the beta before walking over to Scott and Stiles.

Stiles was on his knees next to Scott who had his arms around the boy. Derek without a word put his hand on Scott's shoulder pulling the pain from him.

Scott sighed at the relief. He looked up at the alpha with a thankful half smile. Derek gave a curt nod before walking back over to Isaac.

Isaac had taken the brunt of the fight. Derek knelt beside his beta placing his hand on his shoulder. He pulled the pain causing Isaac to let out a relieved whimper. Derek silently inspected the wounds. His arm was gashed open. His eye swollen and bruised. His ankle looked broken and his lip was still bleeding. Not to mention the small cuts that covered his arms and chest.

"Derek." Gage opened the warehouse door.

"Come on." Derek helped Isaac to his feet.

Gage took Isaac from Derek as Scott reached them.

"How is he?" Gage asked looking at an unmoved Stiles.

"He's...okay. He just needs a minute." Scott answered looking over his shoulder at his best friend.

"Let's get you to the car." Gage said to Isaac.

Scott and Derek helped load Isaac into the car.

"Thank you both for stepping in." Derek said as Scott opened the back door.

Scott smiled while Isaac gave a nod.

"Get these two home to Lydia. I'll walk Stiles back." Derek said looking over Isaac to his brother in the driver's seat.

"Okay." Gage agreed starting the car.

Derek closed Isaac's door and walked back inside.

He approached Stiles who was still kneeled beside Theo's body.

Derek wanted to reach for Stiles but couldn't bring himself to.

"Stiles, I'm..." Derek let out a heavy sigh. Sorry just didn't seem like enough.

"I know." Stiles said. He didn't sound mad but perhaps a bit sad.

Derek shoved his hands in his pockets unsure of what else to say.

"I didn't really love him. Not anymore. That spell really did a number on me." Stiles let out a sigh before stsnding to face Derek.

Stiles' eyes glanced at the claw marks on Derek's neck. He reached a hand to touch the still healing gashes through the torn sleeve of his shoulder. His finger tips brushing over the open wounds.

"I'm so sorry." Stiles frowned his voice breaking slightly.

"It's okay. It wasn't you." Derek wanted to pull Stiles to him, tell him everything was alright.

"I would never..." Stiles swallowed hard as he dropped his head in shame. "You didn't even fight back."

Derek lifted Stiles' chin so that his eyes met Derek's. They were red from the tears he'd cried.

"I would never hurt you." Derek said in a gentle tone.

"I clearly can't say the same." Stiles huffed.

"I don't blame you Stiles." Derek had released Stiles' chin.

"I'm still sorry." Stiles dropped his eyes again.

"I know." Derek sighed.

"I sent Isaac and Scott home already. Isaac is in pretty rough shape."

"That's fine. Gives me time before I have to face the pack." Stiles said walking past Derek.

Derek followed behind Stiles. "They don't blame you either."

"They will when they see what I did to you." Stiles spoke sadly as he trudged along solemnly.

"Eh, it's just payback for giving you the bite." Derek shrugged simply.

Stiles stopped walking and whirled to face Derek.

"I told you it's not your fault. Was this my first choice? No, but it's better than losing you or Gage. I'd much rather be your beta than Theo's. It was an accident. Please stop blaming yourself." Stiles spoke with pained sincerity.

"I don't blame you and you don't blame me. Are we even?" Derek asked giving a small smirk.

Stiles frowned slightly as his eyes drug over the still healing wounds he'd inflicted.

"Nowhere close." Stiles answered quietly before turning away again.

Derek let out a frustrated sigh. He knew Stiles would always blame himself for what he'd done just like he would always blame himself for turning Stiles.

Update as per requested by @Silencing_Shadows.

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