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"What do you want?" Derek asked cautiously.

"Just to talk." The pixie answered walking towards Derek. Her clawed hands by her sides and dark eyes focused on the alpha.

"Why?" Derek took a step back. He'd heard horror stories about what pixies could do if you pissed them off.

"I have a slight problem I could use your help with."

Derek frowned. "Why do you need my help?"

"Well you are the alpha of these parts and I need an alpha." The pixie took another step towards Derek.

"Why do you need an alpha?" Derek asked.

"Something very dear to me has been stolen. I need you to kill the one who stole it so that it may be returned to me." The pixie explained.

"What was stolen?" Derek asked.

"My freedom. As you know each pixie has a book they are bound to by law. If someone takes possession of said book the pixie becomes enslaved to them. My book was taken by a wolf. This wolf has ordered me to cause one of your own to turn against the pack and kill you for your alpha status. Then I am to kill your brother."

Derek felt anger and fear wash over him.

"I have no choice in the matter and have already begun the process. However, I heard your cries last night as I passed by. I stopped to listen. Us pixies can hear pain and yours was raw. I want to propose a deal. You free me of my binds and I can undo what has been done." The pixie took another step causing Derek's wolf to bristle beneath the surface.

"Deal." Derek knew Theo was the one who took the pixies book.

"Perfect. You have until sun down,
I cannot stall the inevitable any longer than that. When he is dead, hold the book and call out to me. My name is Chrysanthemum. Stiles must be with you so that I may reverse the spell." With that she was gone.

Derek didn't waste any time getting home. He barged in the door to the sound of yelling.

"We can't just keep him tied up all day. We need to get him to Deaton." Scott's voice shouted.

"He's not going anywhere until I hear from Derek." Gage's voice snapped.

"He's my best friend, I know what's best." Scott argued.

"I said no." Gage snarled. Derek knew he'd used the alpha card cause the room went silent; all but Stiles.

"Gage, I'm gonna rip your throat out." Stiles snapped.

"No you're not, Stiles." Derek spoke stepping into the room.

"Derek, where the hell have you been?" Gage demanded looking tired.

"Oh look, he didn't run off after all." Stiles sneered.

Derek cringed at the remark slightly.

"I was out. I ran into a pixie-"

"A what? Please tell me you didn't talk to her. They're malicious." Gage cut in.

"Theo has her book."

"Derek, could you stop talking about useless shit and make these pups untie me?" Stiles snapped.

"You want to explain that?" Issac asked Derek ignoring Stiles.

"Every pixie has a spell book but the book only has one spell. That spell only works on that specific pixie. If you have possession of the book and cast the spell the pixie has to do whatever you say. Theo got possession of Chrysanthemum's book and and ordered Stiles to turn against the pack and have him take my alpha status. Then she has to kill Gage." Derek explained.

"How can a pixie do that? And who is Chrysanthemum?" Malia frowned.

"She cast a spell. Chrysanthemum is the name of the pixie Theo has enslaved." Derek answered.

"She made a deal with me. We kill Theo and she'll reverse the spell."

"Derek, pixies can't be trusted." Gage said in a warning tone.

"I know which is why we'll take possession of the book until she reverses the spell."

"Wait aren't pixies supposed to be nice?" Issac asked, confused.

"You're thinking of fairies. They're slightly different. Pixies are the fairies who turned on their maker. As punishment they're wings were clipped and their beauty turned ugly and they were all enslaved to a book. Although many still find them stunnung." Lydia explained.

Everyone looked at her in shock.

"What? I read." She shrugged.

"Okay, so where do we find Theo?" Gage asked

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"Okay, so where do we find Theo?" Gage asked.

"I'm hoping we can get Stiles to help with that." Derek looked at the pissed off boy who was still tied to the chair.

"You think I'm gonna let you kill Theo?" Stiles scoffed.

"He betrayed us. He's the reason you're a werewolf." Derek frowned.

"No, you're the reason I'm a werewolf." Stiles snapped.

Derek felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach.

"Stiles, listen to me. Last night, you said you were only with me cause I was the closest thing to Derek, you have feelings for him, think about those feelings." Gage spoke to Stiles as if they were the only two in the room.

Derek felt his heart skip slightly. Was that true?

Stiles scoffed. "I said that cause he has a better personality than you do, not that that's saying much. The only feelings I have for that pathetic excuse of an alpha is tolerance."

Derek felt his whole world crumble in that sentence.

"You said I wasn't your type so that had to mean Derek was." Gage frowned.

"The only one who's my type is Theo, Derek definitely isn't."

Derek felt sick. Stiles had officially rejected him and it hurt more than he ever imagined it would.

Hope you liked it. Let me know in the comments below! Love you guys!
Ps. The pic at the top is what a pixie looks like.

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