I remember

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Everyone sat around the dinner table with Gage at one end and Derek at the other.

"I can't believe you bought a dining room table." Malia shook her head as she took a bite of her pasta.

"I think it's important that we treat each other like family. Once a week, at least, we will have dinner together with no discussion about the supernatural." Gage smiled.

"And you're okay with this?" Isaac asked looking at Derek.

Derek shrugged. "It's easier to let him have his way."

"I think it's a great idea." Lydia grinned.

"If you two cook once a week you won't hear me complaining." Allison said around a bite of manicotti.

"I think it's a good idea too." Scott agreed.

"See?" Gage grinned proudly.

"Stiles, you usually have something to say. You're awfully quiet." Isaac noted.

Stiles looked up from his barely touched plate. "Huh?"

"What's got you in such deep thought?" Gage asked touching Stiles' hand gently.

"Nothing." Stiles shook his head pulling his hand away from Gage's.

Gage sighed but didn't pry.

Derek watched as everyone chatted and joked; everyone except Stiles.

Derek stood making his way to the kitchen. "Stiles could you help me get the dessert?"

Stiles nodded as he followed Derek.

"So what's wrong?" Derek asked grabbing a stack of small plates.

"Nothing." Stiles shook his head.

"Stiles." Derek spoke in a tone that told Stiles he knew something was wrong.

"I just got a text before dinner from Theo." Stiles shrugged.

"What did he want?" Derek asked.

"Me too meet him at nine." Stiles answered glancing at the clock. It was seven thirty.

"Are you?"

Stiles shifted. "I don't know. I feel like this could be a trap." Stiles bit his lower lip something he did when he was stumped on a case.

"I'll come with you. I'll stay out of sight but I'll hang close by in case you need me." Derek offered. He would feel better if Stiles didn't go alone.

"I just may not go." Stiles sighed.

"You obviously want to. Plus you get a chance to do some digging." Derek shrugged.

"I guess." Stiles licked his bottom lip.

"How will we get out without Gage following?" Stiles asked glancing at the dining room.

"I'll handle him." Derek assured Stiles.

"Okay, sure." Stiles nodded grabbing the cake.


Derek parked the camaro a few blocks away from where Theo asked Stiles to meet him. He watched as Stiles parked his jeep in the empty parking lot of the school. He was thankful Stiles didn't fight him on tagging along. He wasn't as distrustful as Stiles when it came to Theo but he was definitely cautious.

Stiles walked over to where Theo was standing. "I'm here, what do you want?" Stiles demanded.

"Stiles, do you remember the day we met? It was the first day of first grade. You gave me your red crayon cause I broke mine and you heard me say it was my favorite color." Theo spoke facing the school.

"Yes." Stiles answered remembering the day clearly.

"In fourth grade you asked Amelia to be my girlfriend for me cause I was too afraid."

"I remember." Stiles spoke again.

"In sixth grade when I told you I was gay you told me you were too."

Stiles didn't respond.

"In eighth grade you dated Jason. I knew then that I liked you but I was afraid to lose you. You were my best friend." Theo still hadn't looked at Stiles.

"That summer we got into a fight. You were jealous of Andrew and I was jealous of Conner. You confessed that you had feelings for me. I remember being so incredibly happy. A week later you took me on our first date. Do you remember where you took me?"

Stiles answered quietly. "I took you lookout point."

"You bought my favorite pizza and we ate it on the hood of your jeep." Theo turned to look at Stiles finally. "That is still one of the best night of my life."

Derek listened carefully to the conversation. He wouldn't ever tell Stiles he was listening but he was curious.

Stiles looked at Theo. "What is the point of all this?"

"I wanted you to know it really is me." Theo answered.

"Obviously it's you." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"I know you don't trust me, I just want to know why." Theo looked sadly at Stiles.

"You come back after all this time because you need a pack? You could literally find one anywhere else." Stiles crossed his arms. "Why did you really come here?"

Theo dropped his eyes. "I came back for you."

"What?" Stiles frowned.

"I didn't know Scott was bit. I just thought maybe I could convince you to take me back and since I am fully in control then I could just hide it from you." Theo explained.

"So lie to me." Stiles snorted.

"But I don't have to. I can be me." Theo's tone was hopeful.

"You think you can just come back here after all this time and I'd just forgive you?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"You forgave Derek." Theo shrugged.

"What?" Stiles frowned.

"Scott said you took it hard when Derek left but you forgave him." Theo explained

"When did he tell you that?" Stiles demanded.

"Last night after you left." Theo answered.

"Did you forgive Derek?" Theo asked.

Stiles shifted his weight. "I guess, but I don't exactly trust him. I wouldn't be surprised if he took off again. He's what I call a flight risk. I used to think I could depend on him to have my back, but now...I'm just not so sure." Stiles shook his head.

Derek clenched his jaw. He knew Stiles had been hurt by him leaving he just didn't know how hurt.

"What do I have to do to prove myself?" Theo asked reaching out for Stiles' arm.

Stiles stepped back. "It's not up to me. But for the record, it's going to take a long time for me to trust you again."

"They won't let me in without your ok." Theo frowned.

"You overestimate how important my opinion is to them." Stiles shook his head before walking back towards his jeep.

"Stiles, wait."

Stiles stopped but didn't turn around.

"I'm truly sorry." Theo's voice was low and sad.

Stiles closed his eyes fighting back tears that threatened to surface before climbing into his jeep without another word.

Thoughts? Hope you liked it.

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