It's all in the details

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Derek stood nervously outside of Stiles' door. He couldn't believe he was about to do this. He adjusted his shirt and put on his best smile as he knocked on Stiles door.

"Come in." Stiles' voice called.

Derek opened the door to see Stiles at his desk.

"Hey, Der." Stiles turned to face the alpha.
"Wait is that Gage's shirt?"

"Ha, so much for detective skills, you still can't tell us apart." Derek laughed throwing himself back on Stiles' bed.

Stiles' brow furrowed harshly as stared at the man on his bed.

"I know I'm good looking but I'm not your type remember." Derek joked trying to act as much like Gage as he could.

Stiles didn't respond, instead he continued to stare.

"You're...not...Derek?" Stiles was sure the man sprawled on his bed flirting with him was Derek but he couldn't tell by scent cause they lived together so their scents got mixed, and the Derek he knew wouldn't be acting like this.

Stiles stood making his way to his bed to get a closer look. Derek sat up allowing Stiles to sit next to him.

"I don't understand, I was sure I knew the differences." Stiles reached for Derek's face.

"Like I told you before our own mother couldn't tell us apart. Don't stress it." Derek smiled. He fought to keep his heart steady as Stiles' hand cupped his cheek. He'd only come to see if Gage had told Stiles about their conversation since Gage wouldn't tell him. He just kept saying 'go find out'.

"I was sure Derek's eyes had the gold specs." Stiles looked carefully into Derek's eyes.

"And I was sure you didn't have a freckle here." Stiles touched the freckle near Derek's nose.

"The way your right eye crinkles when you smile. And your dimple is supposed to be on the right." Stiles confusion deepened.

Derek felt his facade slip as he realized Stiles had memorized all these small details about him in order to tell him apart from his brother.

Without thinking Derek's lips were on Stiles', his hand wrapped tightly around the back of Stiles' head.

Stiles kissed back eagerly. It all felt right. His hand was still on Derek's cheek. His other hand wrapped around Derek's other hand which was gripping Stiles' shirt.

Derek deepened the kiss causing a growl to rip from deep in his throat. At that Stiles pushed him away.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

Derek sat in fear his lips parted slightly.

"What happened to you backing off cause you were convinced Derek has feelings for me?" Stiles asked.

Derek stood up quickly. "I'm sorry, I should..." without finishing his sentence he bolted from the room.

"Gage, wait!" Stiles stood to go after him but he was already gone.

Stiles sighed as he grabbed the keys to his jeep. He'd been avoiding Derek all day, he needed to check on his wounds and he was going to try and talk to him about Gage.

The whole way to the pack house he thought about how he'd been sure Gage was Derek. Derek's dimple was on the left not the right. Wasn't it? And Gage didn't have a freckle next to his nose. Did he? By the time Stiles had reached Derek's he was sure he was crazy.

He walked in to see Isaac and Derek in the living room.

"Hey you, where you been all day?" Derek asked smiling up from the game of chess that sat between him and Issac.

Stiles frowned. "Since when do you play chess?

"We've played together, Stiles." Derek shook his head laughing.

"No, I've played with Gage." Stiles frowned.

"And who exactly do you think I am?" Derek raised a brow with a smirk, a dimple digging deep into his right cheek.

Stiles stood completely confused.

"Hey Stiles, you okay?" Isaac asked, concerned.

"Weren't you just at my house?" Stiles asked trying to figure out what was going on.

"No?" Gage frowned cocking his head.

"Is that where Derek was? He looked frazzled when he came home." Issac commented before moving a pawn.

"Derek was at my house." Stiles said in realization. "It was him."

Stiles ran up to Derek's room and knocked.


"Derek, I know you're in there I can hear your heart." Stiles sighed.

Still no answer.

Stiles turned the door handle and was glad when the door opened with ease.

Derek was sitting on his bed wearing Gage's shirt. His hands clasped together in front of him as he rested his elbows on his knees.

"Derek." Stiles spoke carefully as he approached Derek.

"I'm sorry." Derek shook his head.

"Why'd you do it?" Stiles asked.

"I didn't mean to. You kept talking about all these small details the set me apart from my brother and I just reacted." Derek shrugged.

"Why were you pretending to be Gage?" Stiles pressed.

"He and I talked last night and I just wanted to know if he'd said anything to you." Derek shrugged.

"About?" Stiles need Derek to confirm Stiles' assumptions.

"I'm in love with you, Stiles. I can't hide it anymore. Everything about you drives me insane and now that you're my beta, my wolf is making it worse." Derek sighed refusing to look at Stiles.

"Der, I feel the same way." Stiles said squatting in front of Derek so he could meet his eyes.

"I love the crinkle by your right eye and the freckle by your nose. Derek, I'm in love with you too."

Stiles' words calmed every nerve in Derek's body. Derek stood pulling Stiles up with him.

"When I kept asking you who your type was..." Derek trailed off.

"It was you." Stiles grinned leaning in and pressing his lips to Derek's.

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles waist as he pulled him in closer. He breathed in the familiar scent of Stiles mixed with something new. Love. Stiles loved him too.

The End! I hope you enjoyed it. Love you guys! ❤

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