Time alone

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Stiles paced the living room his hands in fists at his side.

"He's not answering his phone and he hasn't come home, of course I'm worried." Stiles snapped at Malia who simply shrugged.

"I'm sure he's fine. He probably just needs some space. You two have been at each other's throats a lot more than normal." Scott pointed out.

"He blames himself." Stiles sighed dropping his head.

"Of course he does, he's the one who turned you." Gage piped in reaching for Stiles. He pulled the boy close his arms wrapped loosely around Stiles waist.

"I don't blame him. I told him that." Stiles sighed allowing Gage to hold him.

"Derek has always been hard on himself. He wants what's best for the pack and he feels like he ruined your life." Gage pulled Stiles in closer to him so his head now leaned against Gage's chest.

Stiles would have normally pulled away but Gage was an alpha and it made him feel safe to be in Gage's arms.


Derek slowly made his way back to the house. He climbed the steps knowing an argument was waiting for him on the other side of the door; if the ten missed calls were any indication.

He stepped inside only to have his stomach immediately in knots. Standing just inside the living room was Stiles snuggled into Gage's arms.

The smell of content and arousal hit Derek like a brick wall.

"Derek." Gage smiled at his brother.

Stiles immediately jerked away from Gage.

"Derek." Stiles sighed with relief.

"Where the hell have you been? You just ran out on me and have been missing most of the day. You didn't bother to answer your phone or call one of us back. We were worried sick." Stiles barked already starting the argument Derek had been anticipating.

"I needed time alone." Derek answered flatly.

"Time alone? You've been held up in your room avoiding me all week how much more time alone do you need?"

"Until I can get used to this." Derek snapped gesturing at Stiles.

"I'm still me, Derek." Stiles frowned.

"No, you're...one of us." Derek shook his head.

Stiles shifted slightly. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It's not you, Stiles." Derek huffed.

"It is now." Stiles argued.

"Because of me. I...I did this to you." Derek took a step towards Stiles and stopped.

Stiles dropped his head in frustration. "I've told you, I don't blame you."

"You say that but I know it's not true." Derek shook his head.

"Derek, listen to me." Stiles took a few steps forward.

Derek backed away. "No."

Derek turned, walking away.

"Derek." Stiles called after him. "Derek, please."

Derek didn't stop though.

Stiles' shoulders slumped forward.

"Hey, just give him time. I know I'm not the one who turned you but I'm your alpha too and I'm here for you." Gage pulled Stiles into him once again.

Instead of responding, Stiles leaned into Gage's embrace allowing the comfort he felt from the alpha melt away the heartbreak he felt over Derek.

Derek slammed his bedroom door as he tried to push the image of Stiles and Gage out of his head. He knew Gage liked Stiles. What wasn't to like? He was using his alpha position and the fact that Stiles was a freshly turned beta to get close to him. It was working. Stiles would be drawn to his alpha but Derek had been avoiding him so much he had turned to Gage.

"Derek." Gage knocked in Derek's door.

Derek swung the door open. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Gage asked pushing past Derek.

"No, I'm not." Derek snapped.

"You can't keep pushing Stiles away. He needs you. He was worried sick while you were gone. Blaming himself for pushing you. He's used to you always being there for him." Gage gave Derek a sympathetic smile.

"He doesn't need me, he has you." Derek shook his head.

"I'm not who he wants. I really like him, but he's not receptive to me at all." Gage sighed.

"You think he wants me?" Derek scoffed.

"I think he trusts you more than me and has come to depend on you. He needs you more than ever now and you're not there. That's Scott's theory anyway." Gage shrugged.

Derek frowned slightly. "I'm not in the state of mind to be there for him. He's better off with you anyway."

Stiles slumped in his computer chair as he listened to Derek and Gage's conversation.

It hurt to hear Derek wanted nothing to do with him. He cared so deeply for Derek and felt his humanity kept them distant that he'd hoped his transformation would bring them closer. He'd clearly been wrong. Maybe Derek was right, maybe he would be better off with Gage.

*AN* hope you liked it.

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