What's gotten into you?

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Gage set out a glass of wine for Stiles.
"Drink with me."

Stiles frowned at the half full glass. He'd just gotten in from taking a long walk. "Wine?"

"It's a special brew. It's good I promise." Gage grinned sipping from his glass.

"Fine, but only cause Derek is still not talking to me and I could use the distraction." Stiles shrugged giving in easily.

"I can be your distraction any time you want." Gage winked.

Stiles rolled his eyes. Gage's flirting hadn't diminished over the weeks. Stiles didn't mind but when Gage got handsy around Derek it made Stiles a bit uncomfortable.


Derek walked down the stairs and rounded the corner to see Stiles leaning into Gage. Derek watched as Stiles kissed his brother. His jaw clenched and his stomach twisted.

Gage wrapped his arms around Stiles' neck. The kiss grew more heated.

Derek made his way to the door fighting the urge to separate them as he slipped out into the night.

Gage placed kisses along Stiles' cheek and jaw before reaching his neck. He was a bit drunk but not as drunk as Stiles. The thought stopped him.

"Stiles, would you be letting me do this if you weren't drunk?" Gage asked pulling back slightly.

"What?" Stiles frowned.

"Do you actually want this?" Gage clarified.

"I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't want to." Stiles answered.

"I want to make sure before we take this any further." Gage examined Stiles' face for any indication that he didn't want to go further.

Stiles sighed. "Gage, look the only reason I'm doing this is cause you're the closest thing to Derek."

Gage's jaw dropped.

"Don't look so surprised, I've told you you're not my type." Stiles shrugged.

"So Derek then." Gage stood.

"What about him?" Stiles asked.

"You have a thing for Derek."

Stiles snickered. "If I did why would I tell you? I trust you about as far as I can throw you."

"What's gotten into you?" Gage frowned. Stiles had been in rare form all evening.

"Nothing." Stiles shrugged downing the rest of his wine.

"Good night." Stiles stood walking towards the stairs with Gage gaping after him.


Stiles woke to the sound of banging on his door.

"Stiles, wake up. Derek is missing." Scott's voice called.

Stiles opened his door with a yawn.

"What do you want, Scott?" Stiles demanded.

"Derek left last night and never came home." Scott answered.

"Who cares?" Stiles shrugged.

"We all do. Don't you? Aren't you worried?" Scott asked confused by Stiles' response.

"No, now can I go back to sleep?" Stiles went to close the door but Scott stopped him.

"No, you can get your ass dressed and help us find him." Scott snapped.

"Ooh, he does have a spine." Stiles smirked.

Scott frowned but dismissed the comment.

Stiles threw on jeans and a shirt before joining the pack downstairs.

"Stiles, have you heard from Derek?" Isaac asked once he entered the room.

"Uh, well he's been avoiding me for over a week but yeah, sure, he called and we reminisced about the old days before he turned your pathetic ass." Stiles quipped rolling his eyes.

"Dude, what is your deal?" Scott snapped coming to Isaac's defense.

"What? It's not my fault he's the stupid one of the group." Stiles shrugged.

"Stiles." Gage flashed his eyes at the wolf.

"You know if you had been the one to turn me that would have more of an effect. Derek is my alpha. Of course you'd never know cause he's the worst alpha in the history of-"

"Stiles, what has gotten into you?" Lydia cut him off.

"Nothing." Stiles shook his head.

"No, I know you, you would never say anything like that." Lydia frowned.

"Maybe you don't know me, since, you  know, you spent the first five years ignoring my existence." Stiles snapped.

"Okay, that's enough." Gage grabbed Stiles by the arm. Stiles swung, his fist coming in contact with Gage's cheekbone.

"What the hell, Stiles?" Scott barked as he and Issac grabbed Stiles and forcing him into a dining room chair.

"Hold him there." Gage growled as he disappeared outside.

When he returned he was holding rope. He tied Stiles' hands and then tied him to the chair.

"What the hell, let me go." Stiles fought against Scott and Isaac.

"You're going to tell us what is going on with you." Gage demanded crossing his arms.

"Ooh, he's being authoritative. Hot." Stiles winked with a smirk.

"Seriously, what happened to you?" Malia asked frowning at Stiles.

"Oh look, the selfish princess acting like she cares about someone other than herself." Stiles scoffed.

"Gage, call Derek, we need him." Scott said turning to the alpha.

"He's not gonna answer. He's too busy wallowing in self pity." Stiles said as Gage pulled out his phone.

Derek looked down to at his phone as it rang for the hundredth time. It was Gage again. So far everyone but Stiles had called him. He set his phone down on ground beside him. He had been sitting in the old mill barn where he had turned Stiles. Derek leaned his head back against the wooden pillar he was propped up on.

His phone dinged acknowledging he had a voicemail.

"Derek, listen we really need you. Something has happened to Stiles. He's okay but he's not himself. Please come home."

Derek jumped to his feet. Something was wrong with Stiles.

"Alpha Hale, where are you off to in such a hurry?" A sickly sweet voice asked from behind him.

Derek turned to see a young woman in a white dress. A pixie. That wasn't a good sign. Pixies were nothing but trouble.

Update for you.

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