Screwed up relationship

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Stiles woke up to the sound of clanging in the kitchen.

"You always were the bossy one."

"Well one of us has to act responsibly."

Stiles couldn't tell who was who talking. They sounded identical.

Stiles made his way in to the kitchen to see the Hale twins cooking together.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Gage and Derek said looking up from their cooking tasks.

"Whoa, creepy twin thing, not cool." Stiles shook his head. "You guys make it hard enough to tell you apart."

"Our own mother couldn't tell us apart I don't expect you to."

"Well you're definitely Gage." Stiles noted the black t shirt versus the gray one Derek was wearing.

"How'd you know that?" Gage frowned.

"Well for one Derek would never casually mention family much less his own mother and secondly I like to think Derek has some faith in my detective and observation skills to not doubt me so much." Stiles answered grabbing a bottled water from the fridge.

"Hmm, impressive." Gage nodded.

"So, Derek, who knew you could cook?" Stiles crossed his arms taking a seat at the island.

"I don't do it often." Derek shrugged.

"Our mom taught us. Derek and I used to cook together all the time back in New York." Gage answered.

Stiles raised a brow at Derek. "New York huh? Man you sure got as far from here as you could huh?"

Derek frowned in confusion.

"Three months ago when you took off you went all the way to New York? What if we needed you? Oh right, you weren't answering your phone anyway." Stiles quipped.

"Why do you think I went to New York?" Derek frowned clenching his jaw.

"Gage said you were with him. He just said he was in New York." Stiles answered.

"Detective skills indeed." Gage chuckled.

"Stiles, can we not do this?" Derek sighed.

Stiles glared at Derek who looked tired.

"Fine. What are you two cooking?" Stiles asked.

"Manicotti." Gage said excitedly.

"At...four pm?!" Stiles looked at the clock in shock.

"Did I seriously sleep on your couch all day?" Stiles looked at the twins.

"Sure did." Gage nodded.

"How late were you two up?" Derek asked not looking at the two of them.

"Well Gage here wanted to play twenty questions at eleven at night." Stiles huffed.

"Well if you'd answered them we could have gotten more sleep." Gage shrugged.

"I did." Stiles threw his hands up.

"As vaguely as possible." Gage snorted.

"I'm sorry I didn't go into full detail about the year my mom was sick or the night she died or how I had to pull my dad out of a drunken stuper nightly for almost a year after. Or that I didn't remember every detail of the night Scott was bit and the week following." Stiles snapped.

"I'm just saying getting things off your chest helps and I need to get to know you like my brother does." Gage shrugged unfazed by Stiles irritation.

"Nobody will know me the way Derek does." Stiles grumbled.

"What does that mean?" Gage asked frowning at Stiles.

Derek paused from cutting mushrooms but didn't say anything.

"Derek and I had to build our relationship from below ground. We not only didn't trust each other we actively worked against each other. Hell if it wasn't for Scott we probably would have killed each other. In fact we tried to a couple times. But then slowly we were forced into these scenarios where we had to rely on one another. We saved saved each other's lives more than the rest of the pack. It's a screwed up relationship but it works. He's seen me kill. I've seen him cry. Things the other pack members have never experienced." Stiles answered glaring down at his hands which were clasped together on the counter.

"I didn't realize you two were so close." Gage glanced at Derek who returned to cutting.

"We aren't." Stiles responded.

"But you said-

"I said we had a screwed up relationship not that we were close." Stiles interrupted.

Derek pursed his lips.

"Well then I aim to have a better relationship with you." Gage stated as he grabbed three beers from the fridge.

"Is that so?" Stiles asked raising a brow.

"Oh yes. See I'm easier to get along with and well, we don't have to build our relationship from below ground. We get the honor of starting with a foundation I like to call trust." Gage grinned handing Stiles a beer.

"What is with you and trust?" Stiles huffed.

"I know how important it is to you and yet you don't trust easy." Gage answered.

"That's not a bad thing. His lack of trust saved our asses a few times." Derek said taking the beer Gage offered him.

"But he doesn't trust me." Gage said looking at Stiles.

"I never said that." Stiles frowned.

"Not out loud." Gage grinned.

"You went through my phone." Stiles growled.

"Wow, you really are quite the detective." Gage chuckled.

"Shouldn't have told him." Derek rolled his eyes at his brother.

"I have to address it." Gage huffed. "I didn't come with Theo. I promise I've never met him before yesterday. I know you may not believe me but if you trust Derek then trust that he would tell you if I was lying."

"I do trust Derek but I also know that there are two things that are more important to him than anything; his family and his pack. You're both so I don't doubt for a second he'd lie for you." Stiles shook his head.

"You're his pack too." Gage frowned.

Stiles scoffed. "No I'm not. I'm the human that he has to put up with to keep Scott around."

Derek jerked his head up to look at Stiles his eyes narrowed.

"That's not true." Derek growled.

"You don't have to pretend big guy, I get it." Stiles winked as he took a large swig of his beer.

Just then the door opened to Scott and Isaac.

Derek was partly thankful for the interruption and partly annoyed. He hated that Stiles felt like he wasn't part of the pack. Derek considered him just as much a member as Scott or Isaac. Of course allowing Stiles to believe differently kept him at arms length, something Derek needed to remember.

Update, woo!

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