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"Do you think Stiles is right?" Gage asked as he paced their living room.

"I don't know." Derek shrugged with a huff. "Do you?"

Gage looked thoughtful for a moment.
"He makes a good point about keeping up with me during training but I don't think that makes him untrustworthy."

"Well, I know Stiles and he's not going to just give up. He's going to analyze this to death until he's proven right or embarrassingly wrong." Derek looked up at his still pacing brother from the couch.

"Is he always this dustrusting?" Gage asked.

"Not always, he didn't trust this guy Matt who ended up being a killer. He trusted Malia with no problems." Derek answered.

Gage furrowed his brow in thought.
"Should we investigate?"

Derek shook his head. "I promise Stiles will do that thoroughly."


Stiles typed away at his computer looking up any and all Raeken's in the vicinity. None came up.

"Damn it Theo." Stiles huffed to himself.

He'd already called every hotel in Beacon Hills and there was no Theo Raeken staying at any of them. Where was he staying?

Stiles chewed his inner cheek in frustration as he pondered the other options.

"You look stressed." A voice spoke from his window.

"Damn it Gage, I told you to knock before waltzing in through my window." Stiles jumped.


"Oh, Derek, sorry." Stiles corrected himself as he noticed it wasn't Gage at all.

"How'd you know it was me?" Derek frowned.

"Oh, uh, I umm, you look angrier." Stiles lied. He didn't know how to tell Derek he'd memorized the slight crinkle next to his right eye or the tiny freckle near his nose, or the way his face was always set in a serious but concerned look that caused his forehead to crease just above his left eyebrow. All of these were slight differences from Gage he'd picked up on over the weeks. He also had a dimple that dug deep into his cheek on the left side when he smiled. Gage's dimple was on the right.

"Stiles, are you even listening?" Derek snapped his fingers.

"Sorry, I was thinking. What did you say?" Stiles asked blinking away his thoughts.

"I asked if you were still trying to find something wrong with Theo." Derek repeated.

"Yeah, I can't even find where he's living or staying." Stiles grumbled leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"Why don't you ask him?" Derek suggested.

"No, he would know something was up. I'd have no reason to ask." Stiles shook his head.

"So what are you going to do?" Derek crossed his arms.

"I'll figure it out." Stiles said looking over at his computer.

"Or you could just trust him." Derek sighed.

"Derek, we've been over this. Did you really come here to pick a fight or is there a reason you're here?" Stiles asked, in no mood to argue with the stubborn alpha.

"I just needed away from my brother's grueling questions." Derek shoved his hands in his pockets.

"So you came here?" Stiles raised a brow.

"I knew you'd be busy researching and while you ramble I don't have to pay attention." Derek shrugged.

"Fair enough. Have a seat." Stiles gestured to his bed.

Derek sat leaning against the headboard while Stiles turned back to his computer.

"So what questions was Gage asking you that made you tuck tail?" Stiles asked typing away at his keyboard.

Derek rolled his eyes at the dog joke. "He kept asking about you for one."

"Me?" Stiles frowned at Derek briefly.

"I really think you turning him down has thrown him. He's not used to that." Derek answered.

"I can't imagine he would be, have you seen the guy? He's gorgeous." Stiles scoffed at the idea of someone not finding Gage attractive.

"Ugh, I keep forgetting you look just like him." Stiles groaned.

"So are you saying you find me attractive?" Derek asked with a smirk.

"Shut up." Stiles grumbled.

"If you find him so attractive, I don't understand why you aren't into him." Derek was secretly hoping Stiles would tell him who he had feelings for. It had been bugging Derek ever since Stiles had mentioned it.

"I told you, he's not my type." Stiles shrugged not looking away from his computer.

"You never told me what your type is." Derek prodded.

"Derek, I know you don't actually care about my non existent love life so drop the charade." Stiles snapped.

Derek huffed but didn't argue. If he pushed it Stiles might get suspicious.


It had been two hours of Stiles searching every police database and every corner of the internet. He wasnt able to find out anything about Theo. Maybe there really wasn't anythingto find.

Stiles stood stretching when he saw Derek sleeping propped against his headboard. Stiles had forgotten Derek was even there.

Suddenly Derek's phone range. Stiles glanced to see it was Gage. Stiles let it go to voicemail when it rang again.

"Derek. Hey, Der. Wake up." Stiles tapped Derek's leg causingthe alpha to bolt up.

"Stiles? What's wrong?" Derek asked urgently.

"Nothing, you fell asleep." Stiles answered.

Derek blinked, looking around the room. "I didn't mean to. How long?" Derek yawned.

Stiles fought the admiring smile tugging at his lips as he watched sleepy Derek.

"Two hours. I wouldn't have woke you but Gage called twice in a row." Stiles pointed at Derek's phone next to him.

"I should call him back." Derek dialed his brother's number.

"Gage, what's wrong?" Derek asked once Gage answered.

"Theo called in a panic claiming someone has him locked in a barn. He thinks it's hunters." Gage answered quickly.

"Where?" Derek asked standing up.

"He said he thinks he's near the edge of the woods near the old mill farm."

"I'll meet you there." Derek hung up and turned to Stiles.

"I'm coming with you." Stiles said before Derek could speak.

"No, it's too dangerous." Derek shook his head.

"It involves Theo, I'm going." Stiles insisted.

"I said no." Derek growled.

"What if it's a trap?" Stiles threw his hands up.

"Stiles, it's not a trap. Just stay here." Derek snapped.

"I'm going whether you like it or not so you can either let me go with you or I go in alone." Stiles demanded.

Derek clenched his jaw. "Fine." It was ridiculous but he wasn't a werewolf so if they were walking in to a hunters nest, at least he was human.

Another update hope you liked it.

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