You brought Stiles?

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"You brought Stiles?" Gage hissed at his brother as he approached them.

"He didn't give me a choice." Derek growled glaring at Stiles.

"I don't like this." Stiles said fidgeting nervously.

"Then sit in the car." Derek snapped.

"No way." Stiles shook his head.

"Stay behind me." Gage growled as he walked towards the barn door.

Stiles and Derek fell in line behind Gage as he slid the door open slowly, just enough for them to slip in.

"Ah, the Hale's are finally here." A voice emerged from the shadows in front of them.

"Who are you?" Gage asked his wolf coming to the surface.

"He's an alpha." Derek said quietly to Stiles. "Go and get the rest of the pack." 

Stiles nodded turning to run back to the barn door but he was interrupted by another werewolf.

"Uh, Derek." Stiles backed slowly away from the other alpha.

Derek turned to see the alpha stalking after Stiles.

"Stiles." Derek growled pulling the human back behind him. His wolf bristling at the threat.

"It's a pack of alpha's." Gage said as two other wolves appeared. They were surrounded.

"You brought Stiles?" Theo's voice asked from behind Derek. He turned to see Theo step up next to the first Alpha.

"Why would you do that?" Theo had a hint of concern in his tone.

"This was a trap." Gage growled in realization.

"I told you." Stiles hissed at Derek.

"Unfortunately, yes. See I needed an alpha to kill to form the perfect alpha pack and when we heard of Derek Hale needing protection from a local hunter well, that screams easy target. I just needed to gain your trust. Of course I didn't expect there to be two of you so I called for back up." Theo gestured to the other wolves.

"Now I only need to kill one of you but, where one goes the other is sure to follow so here we are." Theo smiled devilishly.

"You lying snake." Stiles snapped taking a few heated steps towards Theo.

An alpha lunged for Stiles when Theo snarled, intercepting him.

"I told you from the beginning, the human is not to be harmed."

"Stiles, you were never supposed to be a part of this. I didn't realize you'd be a part of their pack. And you definitely weren't supposed to be here." Theo glared at Derek and Gage.

"If you want to kill them then you have to go through me." Stiles stood between Theo and his alphas.

"That won't be a problem." Another alpha spoke his red eyes flashing.

"AJ stop." Theo snapped. The alpha stopped much to Stiles surprise.

"Stiles, I'm not going to hurt you." Theo sighed. "But I will kill them."

"Let him go. If you don't want to hurt him, let him go." Derek ordered.

"So he can go get help from the rest of your misfit pack? I don't think so." Theo scoffed.

"I won't let you hurt them." Stiles remained between Theo and the twins.

"So loyal for someone who's not a wolf." The first alpha spoke. "Theo, I gave you my word that the human remain unharmed but he's in the way. I told you I would kill anyone who got in the way. If you refuse to remove the nuisance then I'll be forced to."

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