My wolf

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It had been a week since Stiles had been to the loft. Today there was a pack meetings Stiles didn't plan to attend. Stiles had never missed a pack meeting. He'd never even been late to one. Gage had been popping in periodically to check on Stiles who insisted he was fine.

Derek glanced at the clock. Fifteen after three. "Let's just start without him." Malia shrugged.

"No." Derek growled.

"I don't think he's coming." Isaac piped up.

"We never do pack meetings without Stiles." Derek shook his head.

"Stiles is never late either." Scott shrugged.

"We're not doing this without him." Derek snapped. "Lydia call him again."

"Derek." Gage put a hand on Derek's shoulder. "If he wanted to be here he would be."

"Unless he's in trouble." Derek frowned grabbing his keys.


"Stay here." Derek demanded.

Gage huffed in frustration as his brother hurried out the door.


"Are you serious, Stiles?" Derek snapped causing Stiles to jump away from his computer gripping his chest.

"Damn it, don't you two know how to use a front door?" Stiles snapped sitting back down in his computer chair.

"You're thirty minutes late to a pack meeting." Derek growled.

"Oh good, the asshole brother showed up." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"We thought something had happened to you." Derek snapped.

"Why would you think that?" Stiles scoffed.

"Because you are thirty minutes late to a pack meeting. You're never late to a pack meeting." Derek growled trying not to lose his temper.

"That was before. Now I don't attend." Stiles said simply before turning back to his computer.

"All pack members have to be there, you know that." Derek grit his teeth.

"Yes well my membership expired and I don't plan on renewing it." Stiles snapped.

"What?" Derek frowned taken aback.

"You don't need me. You've added two new members. A fancy alpha and a fresh out of nowhere beta. It seems one of them would be more than qualified to fill my position." Stiles glared at Derek.

"Stiles, please." Derek's tone went from alpha to concerned friend.

"You can't put on this I give a shit attitude. I know you Derek Hale, you don't give a shit about anyone." Stiles snapped.

Derek frowned looking down at the floor.

"That's not true. I care about my pack, you included." Derek said in a hurt tone.

"I know I messed up and I wish I could fix it but I can't. I worried sick every day. When you stopped calling me I was afraid something happened. I called Peter to check on you all. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me." Derek ran a hand through his hair.

"As your alpha it kills me to know I let you down. You don't know what it does to my wolf side everytime I hear you claim you aren't a pack member. Your scent is embedded into my brain. If you yelled for me I could hear you miles away just like with any other member. Just because you're human doesn't make you any less of a pack member. You're my detective, my encyclopedia, hell you might as well be my damn emissary. You're always figuring things out. I need you Stiles. I know I've told you this before but losing a pack member to rejection is just as bad as losing them to death. My wolf grieves. Right now you're rejecting me and my wolf is losing it." Derek's eyes were dark.

"You know I don't do sentimental but damn it Stiles, I can't lose you." Derek growled his eyes flashing red briefly.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Derek. "Then how could you leave?" Stiles asked his tone quiet.

"I just lost Erica and Boyd, I got scared. I couldn't handle being an alpha. I needed my big brother." Derek sat on Stiles' bed dropping his head in his hands.

Stiles sat unmoving. He'd never seen Derek so vulnerable.

"I know I messed up, but I'm back and I'm trying to fix it." Derek sighed. "I promise I'm not leaving again."

Stiles went to sit next to Derek, his hand hovering over Derek's shoulder. The alpha wasn't one to be comforted so Stiles was cautious.

"If you say you won't leave again, I believe you." Stiles laid his hand gently on Derek.

"Really?" Derek asked giving Stiles a hopeful look.

"You're my alpha and I trust you." Stiles nodded.

Derek's eyes flashed briefly again.

"Now we better get to that pack meeting." Stiles chuckled standing.

Derek followed suit. He felt more relaxed than he had in a while. He couldn't let Stiles hate him, the alpha in him wouldn't allow it.

Honest Derek. Woo.

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