Would you two date already

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"You invited him to dinner?" Stiles growled at Derek.

"Gage said either this or the pack meeting. I figured this would be the best option." Derek shrugged.

"Since when do you answer to Gage?" Stiles frowned.

"He's been an alpha longer than I have. I trust him. He says we need to start learning to trust Theo." Derek answered.

"Yeah, you have fun with that." Stiles scoffed.

"He really has no chance with you again does he?" Derek asked.

"Not a chance in hell." Stiles shook his head.

"That just keeps you available." Gage smiled waltzing into the room.

He wrapped his arm around Stiles waist. "You wanna see Theo squirm, follow my lead." Gage whispered into Stiles ear as he lead him to the dinner table.

Derek narrowed his eyes at Gage. He knew what Gage was doing. Gage had always been the more manipulative one.

"Stiles." Theo smiled up at him.

"Theo." Stiles gave a curt nod as he took his seat next to Gage.

The room was awkwardly quiet when Gage cleared his throat.

"So I would like to bring attention that we almost lost a pack member today." Gage grabbed Stiles' hand.

"Thank you for staying." Gage smiled.

"You were gonna leave?" Theo frowned. "Not because of me I hope."

"It had nothing to do with you." Stiles snapped.

"You and Derek worked through it then?" Allison asked glancing at Derek.

"More like we came to an understanding." Stiles responded meeting Derek's eyes briefly.

"Would you two date already?" Malia huffed causing Derek to choke on his drink.

"What?" Stiles asked confused.

"The sexual tension between you two is astounding, you two obviously like each other." Malia shrugged.

"The only feelings Derek and I share for one another is tolerance." Stiles quipped.

Derek stared at his plate not wanting his expression to give away what he was feeling.

"I'm the more attractive brother anyway, isn't that right, Stiles? Gage winked at the human.

"You two are identical." Scott frowned.

"Physically. But personality wise definitely not." Stiles shook his head.

"Derek had a much more fun personality when we were younger." Gage said looking at his brother.

"Yes, well, one of us had to grow up." Derek smirked.

"Boy am I glad it wasn't me." Gage chuckled.

"Anyway, Stiles, I'm glad you came back. It was weird not having you here all week." Gage said turning back to Stiles.

"It's not like you weren't at my house every other day." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"What can I say, I missed you." Gage said with a flirty smile.

"Gage, no flirting at the table." Derek said raising a brow.

"Sorry, Stiles is just too irresistible." Gage winked at Stiles causing him to blush slightly.


All through dinner Gage flirted lightly with Stiles. Theo seemed extremely uncomfortable. Derek as well, but he had hid it better. 

Everyone had crashed at the loft and was now in bed. Stiles who had been having a hard time sleeping had gone downstairs to get water.

"Stiles?" Gage asked almost knocking into Stiles in the hallway.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing up?" Stiles asked.

"I heard something downstairs." Gage answered.

"Oh sorry, it was me. I was thirsty."

"Can't sleep?" Gage asked.

"No." Stiles shook his head.

"Me either." Gage nodded.

"Look, while I have you...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I was too forward at dinner. I just thought you might like to see Theo squirm a little." Gage shifted rubbing the back of his head.

"No, it's fine. I know you weren't being serious." Stiles gave a small smile.

"I was being serious." Gage disagreed.

"What?" Stiles frowned.

"I think you're a great guy. You're smart, funny, gorgeous, the whole package really." Gage looked into Stiles' whiskey brown eyes.

"Uh, are you sleep walking or drunk or something?" Stiles asked with a nervous chuckle.

Gage sighed. "No, Stiles." Gage took a step, closing the gap between him and Stiles.

"There's no way you're being serious right now." Stiles cleared his throat as he back against the wall.

"I'm very serious." Gage glanced down at Stiles' lips.

Stiles swallowed hard. He had to be dreaming there was no way Gage was actually attracted to him.

Suddenly Gage was pressed against him their lips collided in a heated kiss.

Gage slid his tongue between Stiles' lips crashing it against Stiles'. He slid his hands up gripping Stiles waist.

Stiles had his hands pressed against Gage's chest. He let Gage control the kiss. It was a great kiss and Stiles was definitely into it. He wondered if this was what it was like to kiss Derek.

The thought caused him to push Gage away from him.

"Why did you do that?" Stiles panted licking his lips.

"What do you mean? I think I've made it pretty obvious." Gage frowned.

"Made what obvious?" Stiles asked.

"My feelings for you." Gage chuckled.

Stiles laughed. "I must be dreaming."

"Stiles, I don't know why you think it's such a ridiculous notion. You're a catch and my brother is an idiot for not snagging you first." Gage furrowed his brow.

"No, this-" Stiles motioned between him and Gage. "-is never gonna happen. A. It's a joke. B. We'd kill each other. And C. Derek would murder me." Stiles shook his head.

"It's not a joke. We wouldn't kill each other and Derek already gave me the okay to date you." Gage argued.

"He what?" Stiles asked in surprise.

"I mentioned it to him. He's fine with it." Gage shrugged.

Stiles frowned. The idea that Derek was okay with Stiles dating his brother upset him more than it should.

"No, just, no." Stiles shook his head before pushing past Gage and to his room.

Giles anyone?

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