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Derek waited impatiently for his coffee to be done.

"Morning sourwolf." Stiles' voice spoke from behind him.

"You're up early." Derek commented.

"Didn't really sleep much last night." Stiles shrugged.

"Theo?" Derek asked.

"Partly." Stiles answered.

Derek didn't respond. He wasn't sure how.

"Can I ask you something?" Stiles shifted in the bar stool he was occupying.

"Go ahead." Derek answered setting up the coffee maker for another cup.

"How would you feel if I...were Gage?" Stiles braced, unsure of how Derek was going to respond.

Derek was glad his back was to Stiles. He knew his expression would have given him away.

"I don't care who you date." Derek forced his tone to remain neutral.

"Even if it's your twin brother?" Stiles asked disappointed in Derek's answer.

"What he does with who is none of my business." Derek answered gripping the counter harshly.

"Oh." Was all Stiles said.

"Was that you asking permission to date my brother?" Derek asked squeezing his eyes close as he waited for Stiles answer.

"No, I just wasn't sure if Gage was telling the truth." Stiles shrugged.

Derek turned to face Stiles. "The truth about what?"

"You giving him the go ahead to-" Stiles cleared his throat. "-date me."

Derek handed Stiles a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

"Thanks." Stiles smiled at Derek.

Derek loved that smile, too much.

"Did he ask you out?" Derek asked trying not to seem as interested as he was.

"Not exactly." Stiles bit his lower lip.

"Meaning?" Derek frowned.

"He...kissed me." Stiles answered staring into his cup.

Derek felt a wave of jealousy wash over him. He didn't respond for fear of what he might say.

"Are you mad?" Stiles asked frowning at a tense looking Derek.

Derek shook his head. "No." It wasn't exactly a lie, he wasn't mad he was jealous.

"So are you two...together?" Derek asked forcing his tone to remain even.

"No. I guess I kind of rejected him." Stiles nawed on his bottom lip.

"You what?" Derek asked in surprise.

"He kissed me and I panicked cause I thought you'd be mad. I told him we'd never work and you'd kill me. He argued that we would work and you'd given him the okay. I just said no and ran off. He probably hates me." Stiles huffed running his hands over his face.

"I promise he doesn't hate you. If anything he'll just try to convince you." Derek felt relieved knowing Stiles had actually rejected his brother. He never expected that.

"Why don't you think you'd work?" Derek had to ask.

"I'm just not into him like that. I mean he's a great guy but not really my type." Stiles shrugged with a frown.

"Not your type?" Derek raised a brow.

"Personality wise I mean." Stiles responded. "Of course he's my type physically. He's gorgeous and hot and- you're his twin, I'm gonna shut up now." Stiles' eyes widened at the realization of what he'd said.

Derek chuckled. He was thrilled to hear Stiles say he wasn't interested in Gage.

"So I have to ask, what's your type?" Derek cocked a brow at Stiles.

"I dunno." Stiles shrugged, his cheeks flushing.

"You don't know?" Derek asked not believing him.

"I kind of have a thing for someone." Stiles shrugged pressing his cup to his lips.

Derek frowned slightly.


"Like I'm going to tell you." Stiles snorted.

"It's someone I know then." Derek guessed.

"Can we drop it please?" Stiles huffed.

"Drop what?" Gage asked walking into the kitchen.

"Morning brother." Derek said turning to Gage.

"Hey." Stiles mumbled.

"I feel like I came into the middle of an argument." Gage said glancing between Stiles and Derek.

"Just talking about Stiles not being able to sleep cause he still has feelings for Theo." Derek answered simply.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Derek.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Derek

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"Oh, you do?" Gage frowned.

"Like I told Derek, I really don't want to talk about it." Stiles lied as he finished his coffee.

"Well get ready cause we have training in an hour." Gage called after Stiles who was making his way back upstairs.

Stiles waved a dismissive hand as he disappeared out of sight.

Hope you liked it.

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