Part of the pack

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Stiles leaned against the side of his jeep watching Gage and Derek go over basic training moves with the pack.

"Malia, you still react too quickly. You need to watch your opponent. Use them against themselves." Derek said helping Malia off the ground.

Stiles always loved watching Derek interact with the pack. He was firm but kind, caring but serious.

"You made it." Gage's voice interrupted Stiles' gazing.

He turned to see who Gage was talking to.

Theo flashed a large smile.

"Why is he here?" Stiles snapped whirling to face Derek and Gage.

"I told you he would be mad." Derek mumbled to his brother.

"Stiles, if he's gonna be a part of the pack he needs to learn to fight with the pack." Gage spoke calmly.

"Since when is he a part of the pack?" Stiles demanded looking at Derek.

"It was my idea." Gage sighed.

"What happened to the pack voting on it?" Stiles huffed crossing his arms.

"We did." Derek answered.

"When?" Stiles frowned.

"The other day before Derek dragged you to the pack meet." Gage answered.

"So you did it without me." Stiles snapped glaring at Gage.

"I was trying to avoid another fight." Derek growled.

"And you thought voting in Theo behind my back was the best way to do that." Stiles scoffed.

"You're the only one who doesn't trust him." Derek said his jaw clenched.

"You're saying you trust him?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

"He hasn't given me reason not to." Derek answered.

"What the hell? It took you months to even consider trusting me." Stiles threw his hands up.

"You framed me for murder." Derek growled.

"We didn't frame you...We accused you, there's a difference." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck.

"You had me arrested." Derek snapped.

"Okay, mistakes were made but that's not the point." Stiles huffed. "Look, I get that you trust your brother-"

"Yes, I do." Derek interrupted.

"And that's great, but that doesn't mean he's right about everything. I'm not saying he's wrong about Theo, all I'm saying is be careful. And don't keep this kind of thing from me. You say I'm part of this pack-"

"You are." Derek interrupted again.

"Then treat me like it." Stiles snapped.

Derek let out an exasperated sigh.

"Good." Stiles gave a nod.

"Babe, I know you're mad but it's gonna be okay." Gage put a hand on Stiles' arm.

Stiles didn't respond. He tossed a glare at Theo who looked hurt. Stiles almost felt bad but he was too upset.

"Did you just call Stiles babe?" Scott asked raising a brow at Gage.

"Yes." Gage grinned winking at Stiles.

"Wait, are you two together?" Malia frowned.

"No." Stiles answered quickly.

Gage sighed quietly but didn't argue. He'd get Stiles to trust him eventually.

Derek eyed his brother who looked unfazed by Stiles' rejection. Stiles on the other hand looked uncomfortable. Did he have feelings for someone here?

"Why don't we get started?" Gage said motioning for Theo to follow.


The pack sat around the table passing Chinese boxes around. Training had gone well.

"You're really good." Gage said to Theo, patting him on the pack.

"A little too good. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Stiles demanded crossing his arms.

"My last alpha was big into training." Theo answered with a shrug.

Stiles narrowed his eyes but didn't push it.

"Stiles." Derek sighed.

"Just because all of you trust him doesn't mean I do." Stiles snapped.

"Hey, it's okay, we understand." Gage wrapped his hand around Stiles'.

"No you don't. If you did he wouldn't be here." Stiles snapped again.

"Stiles, I promise I'm going to prove myself to you." Theo spoke in a serious tone.

"We'll see about that." Stiles glowered.

"Stiles, a word." Derek growled standing from the table.

Stiles followed Derek into the kitchen. Derek turned on the faucet before talking.

"You can't do this." Derek said.

"Do what?" Stiles asked.

"Act like a toddler who didn't get their way." Derek snapped.

"Derek, listen to me, I know Theo, he couldn't even make the lacrosse team cause he was so clumsy. You don't just learn to fight like that." Stiles threw his hands up in frustration.


"I'm sorry?" Stiles frowned.

"You knew Theo. It's been three years-"

"You and Gage have been werewolves  your whole lives. Plus you're both alpha's; how was he able to keep up with Gage during training? Something is up and I'm gonna find out." Stiles turned and stomped back to the table.

Derek let out a heavy sigh. Stiles had a point but Stiles was also too emotionally invested in Theo to be thinking clearly. Derek needed to talk to Gage.

So do we trust Theo or not?

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