Hard As Hell

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Dan's jaw dropped.

Gaby felt instantly guilty.

Kyle was completely taken back.

Olivia turned around to Dan, smiling suggesting that a kiss from Dan seemed appropriate thing to do right now. (Her being completely clueless to his and Gabys relationship.) Dan turned to see Olivia smiling and gave her a look of disapproval. 

After what seemed like hours of awkwardness. Gaby ran passed Dan not giving anyone eye contact as she tried to hide the tears appearing in her eyes. She went around the back of the stage, leant against it until she sank her body down into the grass. Cupping her hands into her face and letting her emotions take the better of her.

"Go after her Dan, somethings up" yelled Kyle trying to motivate Dan.

Dan instantly followed. Searching the venue until he heard a quiet sobbing noise. It was Gaby. Dan slumped next to her putting his arm around her waist, making Gaby shiver.

"Tell me everything you're thinking, i want to know!" Said Dan showing sympathy.

"You tell me everything, even though i don't need it as i witnessed everything.." replied Gaby quite annoyed.

"Witnessed what?"

"I saw you with your 'new' friend" throwing Dan her phone with the photo.

"No, look this is a misunderstanding, i got myself into at of trouble between a girl called Abbie, she almost raped me" thinking thank God she didn't snap a photo of that. "Olivia was a fan of my music, a friend of Abbie and witnessed it all so she blamed herself. After Abbie had gone i had to comfort her, she was messed up by it. Gaby i would never betray you! Does this mean you don't trust me?" 

Gaby looked up at Dan. Feeling very stupid for over reacting. Taking a few deep breaths, "Dan of cause i trust you, i think that is why i over reacted because i was so surprised at what i saw. I kissed Kyle to get you back. I've been such an idiot, i'm so so so sorry." As Gaby took her phone back from Dan and deleted the picture she felt a cold hand touch the side of her cheek. Dan turned Gaby's face to face his and he lent in for a kiss. The kiss went on for ages. Gaby tugged at his bottom lip with her teeth making Dan moan a little. He pushed Gaby down laying her onto the ground and kissed her neck leaving a line of kisses until he reached her collarbone and found Gaby's soft spot. Gaby let out a moan. Dan went back up to her lips until he was stopped by Gaby who said "by the way you're a much better kisser than that Kyle." Laughed Gaby. Pushing her hands through Dan's soft hair and pulling him closer to her face.

(Sorry. i don't know if you like this sort of thing, or narrrrr? Comment or message me with suggestions....) Back to my rubbish story...

"Disclosure everyone." spoke the presenter through the microphone making the crowd roar; thanking them for preforming. 

Back behind stage, Kyle, Olivia were left alone, wondering what had happened to them both. Disclosure walked passed them, giving them a wink.

"Well done mate, it was wicked." Nudged Kyle to one of the members of Disclosure. 

"Coming back to base, you two.... wait what was going on between Dan and his girl?"

Kyle explained to them as they walked to the caravan. Acting like a bunch of primary school girls over a fall out.


Dan and Gaby slowly walked towards the caravan thinking they'd meet everyone there. As they walked towards it Gaby asked "Why didn't i know about you're music, i didn't know you had fans!"

"That's another thing i liked about you, but i'm still not that famous."

"One day you will be Dan... i know it!"

"I don't think so..."


When they entered the base, everyone turned silent and looked at Dan and Gaby who were holding hands. "It's fine, we've sorted it out!" Dan spoke braking the awkward barrier immediately.

"I'm sorry Kyle, that wasn't fair on you." strayed Gaby.

"I enjoyed it anyways, can we do it again?" replied Kyle with his witty sense of humour.

"Dan moved slowly towards Kyle, "Oh you enjoyed it did you?" smirked Dan, acting like a tiger getting ready to pray onto a venerable leopard.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight" called voices in the back ground.

"I know, who ever does the most impressive thing, gets to have Gaby for 25 minutes alone to do anything they want..." said Olivia acting all excited over how funny it would be like to watch.

The two got into their starting positions in the middle of the floor...

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