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When the ambulance had pulled into the hospital. The was no hesitations. Dan pushed open the back doors as the two paramedics wheeled the stretcher straight into the accident emergency section.


Inside the hospital Gaby was placed into a room full of paramedics, nurses, doctors and other extras who were helping pass the medical equipment needed to be used on Gaby who was permanently seduced to a life support machine.

'There was a small chance she would survive.' Well that's what one of the paramedics had told Dan when they approached the hospital.


Dan revised Gaby through a small glass window as his eyes poured with salty tears running down his cheek, stinging him as the water hit his dried up skin from the access crying.

He couldn't stop watching her when It dawned on him that he would have to inform her parents, Sarah and Caitlin. The feeling of braking the news to them was not appealing. He'd rather kill himself. 

He looked away from Gaby and picked up his phone...just as he was about to call her mum a small, stocky middle age woman appeared from around the door.

"Dan Smith?" She questioned looking very awkward.

"Yeah, that's me..." He responded sounding depressed. 

"Come with me"

Dan looked away from the woman and checked through the glass door to see why he had to leave her... then he realized the room had been cleared out....

He froze and smacked his hands over his mouth to suggest shock. He began having a brake down.

"Come here!" Called over the woman giving him a massive hug. "I didn't want to brake it to you like this." A tear formed in her eyes which didn't help Dan. "Do you want to go and see her body?" quieting her voice.

"Dan nodded and whipped his tears off his eyes, he thought that if Gaby was watching him from heaven then there was no way she would want him to be upset.


Dan walked down the corridor with the woman next to him. Nothing was said until they reached a back room. 

"I'll leave you too it... we're just going to inform her parents." She left Dan

Dan took a deep breath in and pushed open the door to see Gaby's lifeless body laying along the bed. She looked beautiful. They had cleaned her up so she looked like herself just a lot less happy...

After what felt like hours of Dan sitting next to her and staring enjoying every last minute of being with her...

All of a sudden her eyes opened. They had turned brown and her pupils were large. Dan jumped in shock. Her eyes stared to the corner of the room. 

Slowly but violently her lips started mouthing words he couldn't work out what they were saying.

Dan's breath speed up. He was having hallucinations. What was she mouthing. Rhythm of the night? Dan fell to the ground.

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