The Silence

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Dan's heart was pumping so rapidly he could feel it wanting to jump out of his body as he ran up the hill. Dan pelted his legs more and was just about caught up with Olivia when she came to a grinding halt.

"Dan, i don't want Abbie to know i've sent you... so can you go by yourself?" She stopped to catch her breath and pointed towards a fairly big looking tent snuggled between a bunch of smaller tents. "That big one over there!"

Dan left Olivia and kept staring towards the tent as his long legs pounded through the grass. He was wondering what he was going to do.

Finally Dan got to the tent and he hesitated for a while...

The guy who was told to guard it soon realized that Dan was staring at the tent and was just about to say something when all of a sudden a loud crack of gunfire set off. The sound off it ripped through Dan's ears as if he was right next to a fireworks display, listening to it go off, with no protection. The echo of the ear-splitting "BANG" carried on for a good minute... 

Dan was dumbstruck.

The guy sitting upfront of the tent, got up and ran for his life.

Thousands of people started to crowd around the tent, swarming Dan, who stood there not being able to move a muscle.

Finally it hit Dan that Gaby could be in the tent. He pushed past the nosy people waiting to know what had happened and entered the tent wishing so hard that his girlfriend was alright.

Inside all he could see was the back of Abbie who immediately turned around staring straight in Dan's bloodshot eyes, noticing how much shock he was in. She laughed selfishly and dropped down the gun moving to the side to reveal a body lying flat on the ground in a puddle of blood. 

Dan ran over to the body realizing it was Gaby. He bent down and screamed "HELP!" his whole mind crying from the inside. "Somebody HELP!"

Abbie made a quick move to get out of the tent. As soon as she had exited and witnessed the crowds she was immediately stopped by Olivia who kicked her to the floor, climbed on top of her and pinned her down. She had a feeling she would have been the one who had caused Dan to shout for help, questioning what the gun shot was about.

Back inside the tent. Dan's tears pored into Gaby's wound. Her face looked peaceful as though nothing had happened. Her eyes were shut and her face had turned a light blue. "Heeeeeelllllllp" Dan screamed.

Paramedics rushed in. Someone from outside the tent must have called for emergency help.

"My dear, my dear, my dear." Mourned Dan. "Can you fill the silence, i can't take it anymore." He sang starting to act a little mental, blocking out reality.

The paramedics lifted up the body and placed it onto the stretcher. Then took either side and ran out of the tent. Dan ran behind with his shaking legs.

Everyone who was watching gasped. The man who was outside the tent before had returned, as soon as he saw the corpse he fainted, falling to the ground.

Olivia realized that Gaby was in the stretcher. She looked down to Abbie who was still pinned to the floor and started to punch her face. Two policemen who were on duty made their way towards the girls. "She killed Gaby!" Screamed Olivia in anger. The policemen questioned it no further.

"Anything you say or do will be used as evidence." Demanded the policeman lifting Olivia off her stomach and grabbing Abbie's hands putting them into handcuffs. 

"You're both coming with us" Called the police officer, pointing towards the parked up police car.


Dan jumped into the ambulance with the two paramedics and Gaby. The paramedics shut the doors.

The vehicle began to move.

The paramedics bent down, one over her chest and the other grabbed her wrist. 

"No pulse" muttered one of the paramedics turning to look at Dan.

"No!" Demanded Dan. "Do something!" Leaning over her body grabbing her cold hand. "She can't leave me the same way my parents did!" 


.When all of our friends are dead and just a memory

We'll lie side by side it's always been just you and me

For all to see...

When our lives are over and all that remains

Are our skulls and bones, let's take it to the grave

And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms

I'll be buried here with you

And I'll hold in these hands all that remains...

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