Chapter 16

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Author's note: I think this chapter is shorter than the latest ones.. but the next one is going to be longer.. I think ;)

Fighting her instincts to protect her freedom - Chapter 16

Sebastian went to call another member of the team, while Tom explained some details to Ariel. They showed her the tracking devices she would be using, the secure phone lines she should call and other things that would be needed for the mission. They kept stressing the importance of keeping everything secret, even from her friends. Ariel didn't like the idea of telling lies to her friends, but she wanted to protect them, so she didn't argue about that.

Sebastian returned after a few moments later. Then, Francisco entered the room with a grin on his face and went to kiss Ariel's cheek.

- Hello babe!

Ariel looked confused. What was that? She had never even talked to the guy! Babe? Really?

- Hmm hi?

Someone close to her let out a low growl.

- Cross the line and you die.

She turned her head to see who had talked. It had been Sebastian who was now glaring at Francisco. Francisco looked calmed, innocent.

- Man, you know you can trust me.

Francisco raised his hands. Sebastian walked towards him, still glaring at him and then, just when Ariel thought they might get into a fight, Sebastian just shook Francisco's hand smiling.

- I know bro.

- Bro? You guys are friends? Or actual brothers?

Ariel was realizing more and more how little she knew about Sebastian's life. She didn't even know if he had any siblings! Francisco answered proudly.

- Best friends. Brothers in arms. 

- Brothers in arms? What does it even mean?

- We are the best tennis doubles team in the pack.

Francisco stood proudly, chest out, looking very much like an arrogant adonis. Ariel was not impressed.

- Tennis, that makes you guys brothers in arms? Really?

- You're not a tennis fan, are you? Tsk tsk. I'm disappointed. Anyway, we're on the same team for this mission, so don't mess with the name, it fits. Don't worry though, from this moment on, you'll be my priority... Unless there's a Grand Slam final... or the Olympics tennis final match.. or this nightmare ends... Whichever comes first.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and hit Francisco on the back of his head. Ariel giggled.

- Hey, what was that for?

Francisco was trying to look innocent but obviously enjoying the discomfort his role on the mission was causing Sebastian.

- I still don't know why I can't be her fake boyfriend.

Alpha Rafael shook his head and spoke.

- Because you're not objective, Sebastian! You know perfectly well that all field operative must be objective. Seriously, if you weren't indispensable you wouldn't even be in this meeting.

Sebastian looked down. Francisco gave him a pat on the back.

- I guess being a genius has its perks, huh?

That made Sebastian smile and look up again. 


When Ariel went to the university the next day. It was strange knowing that everywhere she went, she was being under surveillance.

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