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After a day of caring and being smothered by Niall in his house, he returned me to my own. Right now we are in the car, Niall holding my hand tight while he drove. I could see he was worried, maybe feeling guilty. I didn't want him to do so because it's not his fault. It's nobody's fault. The car stopped and Niall took his seat belt off. I followed his lead and turned my body in the seat to look at him. He held both of my hands and leaned in to join his forehead with mine!

"I wish you could stay with me forever!" He whispered

"I wish I could stay with you forever!" I whispered back, being rewarded with the most passionate kiss ever. Niall took the liberty of taking me to his house after I fell asleep. I still don't know how he does to keep away from the cameras, but I'm glad he does because I would get in a lot of trouble about it.

"Then stay with me tonight!" He whispered and I gasped

Wait, what? Where? In his house? In his bed? I haven't even seen his bedroom yet, we just stayed in the living room, in the couch, hugging, Niall taking care of me like only he knows how to do. I looked down, blushing hard. I think my parents wouldn't let me spend the night out anyways. They let me once to go to Danny's, but I don't know if I can now.

"I don't think I can, Niall!" I said, firmly and with my eyes closed.

There's an explanation for me being with my eyes closed, seeing those sparkly blue eyes would make me change my mind and stay with him. Knowing that I wouldn't resist, I would just stay with my eyes closed.

"Look at me!" He whispered

"No!" I said, my voice cracking

"Look at me!" He begged. Hearing that tone made me open my eyes, immediately. He smiled when he saw them. "Hello gorgeous!"

"Hi handsome!" I giggled and he smiled

"You don't want to spend the night with me?" He asked, his voice trembling. Hurt?

"No, no! It's not that, it's ... my parents!" I said, looking down

"Is that the only reason?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling

"I promise it is! I had to take M to a party tonight, but I don't think she would let me get out of the house like this!" I said

"So, tell them to warn your parents that you're going to spend the night with Danny!" He said.

I bit my lip. The proposal seems tempting. Sleeping alone in my huge bed, cold, uncomfortable because I finally found a body that perfectly fits in mine. Or sleeping with Niall, warm, cozy, good! I snorted. Why did he had to make things difficult for me? God, it's annoying sometimes!

"C'mon!" He begged!

I bit my lip so strongly, I think I tasted blood. I immediately stopped biting my lip and moved my hand slowly towards the handle of the car door. I opened it and got out, closing the door behind me. I knew Niall looked perplexed at me, not knowing what my actions would be. Would I stay with him or wouldn't I?

I opened the house door and closed it behind me, making it slam.

"MARIA!" I yelled.

I heard steps, quick steps running down the staircase. Maria appeared in the hallway, worried. She took a hand to her chest, in the place where the heart should be.

"You have your mother's lungs!" She smiled and I smiled back

"I have to tell you something, and you have to listen very carefully okay?" She nodded, afraid and I sat in the stairs with her.


I walked out of the house, hopping to see Niall and his car, but I didn't. Really? He left? I shook my head, walking towards the street to look for some lights or a black car. When I was about to look for the car, two strong hands grabbed me. I was about to scream when one of the hands covered my mouth. The person turned me to face them. Niall was looking at me, his eyes widened, a stiff line between his lips.

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