Chapter 30

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I remember the worst feeling in my life. It was when I first saw Titanic and found that they didn’t end up together. My heart ached for a week and as long as I tried, I couldn’t get rid of that feeling. I think that was small compared to this. Having to lie to my own boyfriend? Tell him I don’t love him? I know it’s a lie, but does he? I know he doesn’t, I know he isn’t going to forgive me but damn, I was mad. He kissed her, he had sex with her when we were together, or almost still it’s the lipstick what makes uncomfortable the most. That makes me wanna puke. The thought that I kissed the lips that the perfect model of a girl kissed makes my stomach flip.

Niall let go of me and took a step back. He looked up till his eyes met mine. His were red and had no sparkle at all, they seemed gray and sad. He stepped closer, connecting his lips to mine. I shouldn’t give in, I shouldn’t give in.

“I love you!” He said, pulling back “You might not love me, but I do, I love you and I’ll always be there for you!”

I closed my eyes. I wanted to cry! But how can’t he understand it? He kissed her in the lips. He cheated on me, again. No, I won’t… No, I … I won’t be like Danny, I won’t! I pulled back from him, grabbing my stuff and walking out of the restaurant, sobbing but doing my best for them not to notice me.

Unfortunately, there were some papps there and they took pictures of me. I tried t pass them, but it was hard. Still, I wanted to go home. I called a cab and when it came, I ran inside, telling the man the address of my place. He drove happily, ignoring my sobs and crying.

Niall P.O.V:

When she left the restaurant, I knew it was over for me. It was over, I knew it was over. We didn’t said it but I knew, I felt it. She had broke up with me. She broke up with me! Now what am I going to do? How am I going to get pass this.

Suddenly, I felt anger flood my body, anger towards Megan. Greg held me back, but I was screaming already.

“Why? Why you bitch?” Ted had to help Greg on holding me back “You ruined everything I cared about in this life! You ruined my only reason to live, you ruined it, you ruined us!” I yelled.

“But Niall, she is the one who ran way!” Megan said, making a puppy face.

“She cleaned my lips, she spit when I kissed her!” I struggled to get free “Let me go!” I yelled “She spit when I kissed her, because you kissed me!”

“You never complained before!” She said

“But I complain now!” I yelled “I have a girlfriend!”

“Not anymore!” She sang happily.

I suddenly lost my strength. She was right! I don’t have a girlfriend anymore! She just left me, the only girl I loved in my life left me. She promised she would never leave me, she promised me. But I can’t be mad at her. In her head, I had cheated on her. But I didn’t. Megan kissed me, I only pushed her back. If I even had thought she was wearing lipstick, this wouldn’t have happened.

I sat in a chair, my hands covering my eyes. I let the tears fall with different sibs. We were over. We, me and her, we didn’t exist anymore. I couldn’t just let her slip through my fingers, not when I love her so deeply my chest feels like it’s tearing apart right now. I have to chase after her, I need to chase after her.

“Where is the pos-Johanna Niall? God, you’re a fagot now or what? I miss the old Niall!” Megan said

“Shut the fuck up!” I said, raising my hand to call the waiter.

He came immediately and stopped in front of me.

“I want a bottle of scotch!” I said and he widened his eyes

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