chapter 10:

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The room is dark, Niall’s asleep against my chest, my hands desperately caressing his hair. I cannot sleep, not even if I try, which, let’s be honest, I haven’t been doing. I’m still shaken by the fact that I was close to lose my boyfriend earlier today. Yes, my boyfriend… Niall! I hugged him tighter, pressing my eyes shut. My mind rambled to the beginning of our stating in his room…

We entered the room, the door was immediately closed behind me by Niall. He smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, holding on to his warm, to his slightly minted smell, feeling his muscles under his shirt. Niall’s hands grabbed my head, letting go of my body. His eyes deeply looking into mine. I felt all the air leaving my lungs with that deeply loving and caring look. It shouldn’t be like that… It should be the other way around. Usually, I have a hard time looking into someone’s eyes, it takes a lot of courage from me. I can’t really explain why, I just don’t feel like I’m pure enough to do so. The eyes are the door to the soul, right? I can’t stare to someone’s soul… It’s not right!

Then, go left! My subconscious told me, making me giggle at the time. I looked at Niall’s eyes, taking a leap of faith my eyes would leave his until I wanted so. I tried to transmit him all the feelings I had inside. Mostly fear and sorry. Fear of losing him, sorry for being the person to blame for his accident. But I transmitted the rest too, caring, understand, pureness … love!

Yeah, that’s right … love! I’m getting used to the word this way! Loving someone that’s not your family that’s… your boyfriend! I blushed and Niall smirked. I let my lips touch his, slowly, caringly, lovingly. Niall breathed all the air around him quickly and loudly, grabbing my thighs and wrapping my legs around his waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck, one of my hands slowly brushing his dark blond hairs, holding to his nape.

I felt my feet touching the bed, automatically telling me, Niall had sat on the bed. I couldn’t tell since, only now I realized, my eyes were closed. Niall’s hands ran from my tights to my head, pulling and squeezing my hair. My legs wrapped around his waist, the plant of my sole burring in his lower back. As he felt my legs closing around him tighter, Niall let out a loud moan come out his mouth. I felt my cheeks blushing. I had no idea I had the power to do this to him. My mouth fell open and Niall’s tong slipped in, exploring it like he already owned it… and he does! I took both my hands to his hair now, holding to the slightly burnt ones.

“Your hair is burnt!” I whispered when I reached for some air, immediately joining our lips again. Niall pulled to talk

“I’ll cut it tomorrow!” He clashed our lips again.

I let myself flow with the moment. Carpe Diem, always remember that Johanna. But I don’t want to… you know… lose it. No, not yet. My eyes quickly widened when Niall’ hand squeezed my bum. I felt myself gasp under his hands. That was kind of… rude and… slightly too much for me. But it became worst when I felt his hardness under me. I jumped from his arms, shaking my head repeatedly, my hands crossed in front of my chest.

“No!” I shook my head negatively again “No! No, no, no!” I said “I don’t want to… I can’t I…” I stopped when I heard Niall laughing “What’s so funny?” I asked

“I have no fault you know? You’re too sexy to resist!” I blushed “But I get of you’re not ready!”

“I just… I want you to respect me!” I whispered. Cliché, but it’s true! I need to be sure if I ever want to lose him with him, and talking about losing it before I get marry it’s a really, really big step for me already.

“I respect you!” He said, his palms pressed, behind him, in the mattress. He was smirking until he heard me talking, he turned serious then.

I smiled towards the ground and walked to him. Niall’s hands fell in his lap and I grabbed them, holding them up high, tying our hands together. I felt energy flowing through us. Combined with the stomach flips, the skin burning, the blank brain and trembling limbs, I can honestly say that this is the nastiest feeling I have ever felt in my life. But the last thing I want is its end. It really weird… Felling! I mean, it’s like you have a box of cookies (because I put everything in food, and I’m not kidding). You want to be sad, you bite a big blue cookie with a rain drop. You want to be happy you bite a big yellow cookie with a huge smile on it. You want to miss someone, you bite a bird shaped cookie with frosting of a white, pale color. You want to be in love, you bit a small and red, heart shaped cookie. I assume it’s small because I haven’t loved that many people, and I guess no one truly loves many people, even if they say they do. Deep in their hearts, they know they don’t, they’re just too stubborn to admit it sometimes. I think this cookie is supposed to be small to be ate in large bites. The first should be small, to guarantee that you do feel strongly tied to this person, the other ones should be larger… until you eat the whole thing! But why am I turning everything into food again?

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