Open Enroll

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Friday, August 4

Last month, Ava and I met a mother and daughter at a car race, and we've hung out one other time. Whitney, the single mom, is about my age, and Rose, her daughter, is about Ava's age.

I like Whitney, but dating while raising a kid is impossible. I haven't even tried. I don't know if putting a woman in Ava's life is the best thing for her because I don't want to force a mother on her.

I don't know how to share authority. I know how bad that sounds, but I'm just so used to being in control. When I was a kid, I was on my own a lot of the time, and I don't really trust other people.

Ava and I invited Whitney and Rose to our house this evening for pizza and Mountain Dew. Ava and I have a Friday night tradition of eating out or ordering pizza.

Ava and Rose decided to watch a movie, so Whitney and I decided to go outside to hang out and talk.

"Is Ava open enrolling in our town?" Whitney asked.

I will be teaching Whitney's town. Ava and I live in another town that has a cheaper cost of living.


"Why not?"

"Because I need her to take the bus to and from school, so then I don't have to worry about daycare."

"Will she be home alone?"

"Yeah, but she's used to that."

"How long will she be home alone for?"

"A half an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon."

"What if she opened enrolled in my town, and I watched her and Rose after school? It's not like I don't already do that for Rose."

I sighed. "I looked into it, and open enrolling in your town her just didn't seem like the easiest option because I'm pretty sure I can't choose which elementary school Ava enrolls in."

"If you can get her enrolled, I will pick her up."

I looked at Whitney. I was pretty sure she liked me. I could just tell. I would date her, but I just don't think it would work out. "Why would you wanna do that?"

"Ava needs a female role model, Steven."

I looked at her. We've hung out three times, and she's telling me this now? Uncalled for.

I crossed my arms, trying to not show how insulting that is. When someone tells me that, it reminds me that I'm not enough for Ava. "Whitney, careful," I warned, even though I barely know her.

"You know that. She needs a consistent female role model or someone she can go to when she can't talk to you about certain things."

She's right, but still.

"So, you're saying I should make her go to school twenty minutes away just so she can spend an hour or so with you a day?"


I glared at her. "Whitney, I don't want her to get the wrong idea. I don't want her to think we are together or something, and I don't want her to get attached."

"What's wrong with her getting attached to me?"

"What if we do get together and then we break up?" I did not mean to say that. I ruined everything here.

"You wanna date me?" She blushed a little and sounded almost honored.

I looked down. "Yeah, but you don't wanna date me."


I was just digging myself a bigger hole. "I'm so used to being in control. A relationship would ruin the other person's life."

"Ah, why are you so used to being in control?"

"I've had to be responsible for a really long time, and...yeah."

"I would love to try with you," she told me after a moment.

I looked at her. "What about the girls? What if it fell through?"

"Let's just take it slowly and not worry about that right now." I didn't know what to say to that. "Will you try to open enroll Ava?"

"I don't even know if I can. I feel like there's a deadline or something."

"Look it up."

So I did. Sure enough, the deadline was March 1. "Now what?" I asked.

"I don't know. Try it and see what happens."

"I'll contact them Monday, I guess." I paused. "I'll talk to Ava about it first."


I sighed. "How would we even date?"

"Have you ever dated someone while raising Ava?"



"I had priorities."

"That's awesome. I've been dating on and off, and Rose was fine with it."

"Let's not make anything official. We barely know each other."

"Okay, I'll respect that."

"Thank you."

We moved on with easy flowing conversation.

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