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(Ima skip to thr beginning of school. They changed the wait time to a month so its only November.)

"Ethan hurry the fuck up." I hit his door im frustration. "Love, its gonna be okay." Kim wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. "One month together tomorrow. On my birthday." She chuckled. I kissed her quickly and opened Ethan's door. "If you don't hurry the fuck up. I'm going to kill you." I hissed hoisting my backpack up on my back.

I grabbed Kim's hand and we made the short walk to the bus stop

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I grabbed Kim's hand and we made the short walk to the bus stop. "Why did you take forever to get up this morning?" I questioned Ethan. He sighed. "You have to meet someone. He goes to our school....and I was up late talking to him." I smiled. "You nerd." He laughed and got on the bus.

"Look it's the adopted freak and her gay twin." Some kid pointed at Ethan and I. I sat down quickly and pulled out Kim's sweatshirt, that I stole from her, and pulled it on. I hid my face in my sleeve. We got to school and I kept my head down. I am extremely insecure. Someone calls me fat; I stop eating. Someone calls me ugly; I hide my face. "Love, please don't hide your face." Kim lifted my chin and looked me in the eye. "You are beautiful. And you are not a freak." She kissed me quickly and pulled me to our first class. I saw that Ethan is already there. "Kam, this is Sam." I smiled at the boy. I pulled my phone and sketchbook out. "Kam is pretty shy." Kim pointed out. "I am not." I protested. "Hun you are." Ethan rubbed my arm.

"Its okay, I am pretty shy at times." Sam spoke with a thick British accent. "Sam, we're having Kim over for dinner tonight. You are welcomed to join us." He nodded. "Okay class, this is our first day back. I want you to turn in your assignments in 2 weeks." The entire class groaned. "We haven't even finished it."

Just Another Day (Adopted By Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now