Ruffled feathers

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Harry's pov:
"Harry make sure the prisoners are ready, the big trade is tomorrow" Uma ordered.
"What trade Uma?" I quizzed. I hadn't been keeping up with the news lately, I was spending most of my time below deck with Olive.
"The wand for the crown. Now keep up Harry, you're so out of it these days!" Uma complained.
"But the girl, Uma what about her?" I retaliated, birdie has to be part of this deal right? My mind clouding with nonsense.
"She's just a pawn Harry, just another piece in my game. Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head with" she cooed in my ear as she dragged her finger across my jaw. The chills from her touch were unpleasant.
"Now Harry, be a good boy and go back to work." She purred in my ear.
"Of course Uma." I said as I took a bow before sauntering below deck following her words despite the growing pit in my stomach they created. We're hereditary enemies right?
I Heard sobs coming from Olive's room on the ship. I slowly crept in and watched her, her face was as red as her hair. She was silently mumbling nonsense to herself between her wails. I let out a sigh and sat on the bed next to her.
"Livy, will you please talk to me?" I echoed
She looks at me frightened and nearly fell off the bed.
"Dad?!" She chokes out. (Lol you thought it would be Harry)

I go to hug her and she holds a small dagger up to my neck

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I go to hug her and she holds a small dagger up to my neck. "You little shit! You think you can just crawl back into my life when you want to!" She screams, dropping the dagger in her lap . "You ignored me for so long and you expect sympathy from me?! That I'll just come running back into my arms?!" She sobbed, her fists hitting against my chest.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, I grab her arms to stop her from hitting me as her pounding became harsh
"What's going on in here!?" A boy barged in with a fake hook on his hand. Olive jumped from her seat on the bed and tumbled to the floor.
"None of your business! Blue eyes!" Livy cried out, frantically trying to wipe her tears with her sleeves.
"Birdie who's this?" The Hook boy said pointing at me with a annoyed look.
My infamous smirk came to face, "did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

His jaw dropped staring at me before he picked up the dagger which Livy was previously holding, that had scattered to the floor

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His jaw dropped staring at me before he picked up the dagger which Livy was previously holding, that had scattered to the floor. "Begone demon!" He roared, trying to stab at me.
"Livy, why did you leave home!?" I spat ignoring the insolent boy.
"You know why I left now leave me alone old man!" Livy rolled her eyes, before running behind the boy.

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