Date part 2

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(Warning: smut, not recommended for young children. Stay safe kids😅)

Olive's pov:
I have been primping and mentally prepping myself for my date with Harry. I don't exactly forgive him but at the same time, I refuse to let him go. I picked out a floral lavender colored dress with some navy colored lace tights. I do hope that I didn't over dress for whatever we're doing.

I check the clock and it reads 7:40 , Great I got twenty minutes to meet him

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I check the clock and it reads 7:40 , Great I got twenty minutes to meet him. I relax my nerves, grab my heels, and I'm off.

Harry's pov:

I got a nice picnic set up in the forest with fairy lights. I smile, the fairy lights remind me of the bond fire party Olive through. But then we got separated... , ok I really need to think positively. I'm just lighting some small candles when I see Olive.
Her face was glowing in the fairy lights, she is easily the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

Her face was glowing in the fairy lights, she is easily the prettiest girl I've ever seen

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A smile appears on her face when she marvels at the scenery. "Harry! You did all this? For me?" She blushes a bright pink.
"I love ye my little bird." I reply huskily. I lean in slowly as if waiting for her permission before slowly pulling her into a soft kiss. My worries slip from my mind and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me.
"How long is forever Harry?" Olive whispers curiously breaking our kiss, leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Sometimes only a second." I hum running my fingers through her hair as we sway gently.

"Do ye forgive meh?" I whisper in her ears before gazing at her stunning green eyes

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"Do ye forgive meh?" I whisper in her ears before gazing at her stunning green eyes.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't stupid." She chuckles.

"Will you love me again?" Olive queried biting her lip nervously.

"Who said I ever stopped?" I smile leaning in to plant more kisses on her.
We stand in silence as if our existence is more than enough. I gently brush her hair out of the way with my Hook.
"Stop trying to get in my pants pirate!" Olive groans pushing me away with a smirk.
"Oops. But if I do recall, you are wearing a dress not pants. So I'm trying to get into your dress yes, pants no." I retort satisfied.
"Is that so Mr.hook ?" She says ever so slowly, emphasizing every last word.
"I do believe so mrs. Hatter." I purrr pulling her against my chest.

Olive's pov:
Two can play at the sexy game Harry I smirk in my mind. I stare into his crystal like eyes before I lean down and lick his Hook ever so slowly.  He lets out a short breath and he whips off his pirate hat staring at me with such lustful eyes.
Checkmate I smirk.
He leaves small feather like kisses down my neck that were too short for my liking.
"Ugh Harry really!" I moan trying to get him to kiss me again yet he keeps backing up.

"Ugh Harry really!" I moan trying to get him to kiss me again yet he keeps backing up

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"That's my specialty." He smirks teasingly.
"Remind me why I love you so much?" I grunt crossing my arms.
"Well-" Harry began before a bright light flashed a few feet away.

"Wesley?" I squint looking him up and down.
Harry turns to look at him and gasps. "YOU USED MY GUYLINER!"
Wesley gave her a scared face before forming a joking smirk.

"Aye rabbit, whatcha doing crashing meh date?" Harry scowls at him obviously annoyed he broke up our make out session

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"Aye rabbit, whatcha doing crashing meh date?" Harry scowls at him obviously annoyed he broke up our make out session.
Wesley seems to think for a moment and counts his fingers before finally realizing "Queenie told me you two should stop Snogging each other in her forests." Wesley said like a cheeky little child telling a secret.

"Oh my gosh you're so embarrassing!" I blush.
"What I do with my lady is none of your business or the queen's business rabbit." Harry sneers.
"I love you hare bear!" I tease Harry and we all start laughing.

"I love you hare bear!" I tease Harry and we all start laughing

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"Sounds like somebody just wrote her vows." Wesley smirks.
Harry and I both silence and look at each other carefully...

Alice:"How long is forever? "
White Rabbit:"Sometimes, just one second."
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Lmao so that wasn't as pg as I thought it was gonna be🤷🏻‍♀️
They made up😅
I'm gonna try to have a new chapter out by Thursday 😬 we will see how that goes.
Until next time -Izzy💓

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