The Big Question

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Olive's pov:
The dust faded from view and we appeared to be in some sort of garden.
"Harry? Are you here?" I called out looking around.
"Liv." Harry hummed coming out from behind a tall hedge. "I'm sorry."he said, hanging his head low.
"Harry?" I hummed in response hanging my head.
"We f*cked up again didn't we?" Harry chuckles sarcasticly.

"We seem to be in a constant loop; and Harry, I just want out." I groaned.

"I see..." Harry whispered biting his lip.

"Liv can I ask you something?" Harry asks, his hands start to clam up and he starts to sweat.
"Um yeah?" I responded, slightly confused.
"Olive I love you with all my heart and I can't ever stop thinking about you. I used to be so lonely and dazed on the isle until you came. Olive Louise Pan well Hatter I guess, will you marry me?" Harry asks pulling a ring box out of his pocket, slowly getting down on one knee.

 Olive Louise Pan well Hatter I guess, will you marry me?" Harry asks pulling a ring box out of his pocket, slowly getting down on one knee

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I let out a gasp "Harry! I-I don't know what to say?!" I panic starting to shake, my eyes drop to the floor.
"Birdie please look at me." Harry asks softly.
I slowly raise my eyes to meet his captivating blues, I shake my head and tears begin to fall.
"I can't." I whimper turning away.
"Birdie?" Harry frowns grabbing my wrist before I can leave.
"Harry I can't marry you." I quiver quickly avoiding his hypnotic eyes.

"No." Harry breathes a small breath. His posture quickly deteriorates and his body goes cold.
After a long pause he whispers to himself shaking his head "why?"

"Blue eyes." I plead trying to get out of his grip.

"Tell me you don't love me to my face and I will never bother you ever again." Harry snaps looking me in the eyes.
I pale and frantically shake my head no.
"Say it Liv!" Harry shouts at me tears welling up in his eyes.
"Harry I love you." I plead trying to get out of his grip. "If you don't feel the same then let me go." I whisper fearing the results.

His grip loosens and I feel tears start to drip down my face. I finally remove my wrists from his hold and turn out of the garden. I don't look back at Harry, fearing I might run up and kiss him.

I stumbled to the castle gates. The guards move aside as I enter, probably looking like a mess.
I quietly ask a guard to lead me to the throne room. The doors open and I seat myself on the ground before the throne,sobbing.

"You pitiful thing, what do you want now?" The queen of hearts drawls looking rather bored.
"End me. Please." I whimper, my sobs shaking my body.
"Hmmm seems rather temping I must say, but no." She smiles happily. She places the back of her hand on my heart and she lets out a quiet chuckle. "You poor thing. Broken heart aye?" She pouts before cackling.
"Please, take away the pain!" I scream feeling my heartache grow.
"No. If there's one thing I've learned, it is far better to be feared than loved." She said with no emotion.

" She said with no emotion

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"Now go away." She says rather politely as guards come to drag me out.


The guards took me to the Hatter's  house or rather my house. Dad held me tightly in his embrace until I stopped crying. I didn't tell him anything yet he probably knew. He set me up in a bedroom.
"This is yours, I redecorated it as soon as I got word you were back." The Hatter smiled softly.
"Thanks dad." I mumbled giving him a peck on the cheek before collapsing onto the bed.

I find a light pink phone on the bedside table. I pick it up and dial a number.

"Hello Mal?"

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"Hello Mal?"

"It is better to be feared than loved."
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Lmao can I get anymore mean😂🙌🏻😈
Wonder why she said no🤔
Also she's calling Mal🤔
Side note: WE HIT 5k this morning 😱😱😱👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😭😭😭😭
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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