Married life

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Olive's pov:
I woke early to the next morning to find the bed empty. I let out a small sigh. I wanted to snuggle. I rolled out of bed and put on some clothes trying to look presentable, then I smell the wonderful smell of bacon wafting in from the kitchen. I feel myself creep a smile before I happily stroll down the hall to the kitchen.

There at the stovetop is a shirtless Harry flipping pancakes on a skillet. I lean against the counter and let out a giggle as Harry focused extremely hard on flipping a large pancake. "My man can cook! Take that ladies!" I tease sticking out my tongue. Harry chuckles before setting down the skillet on the stove and he turns his attention to me.
His arms engulf me in a tight hug before he places a sloppy kiss on my forehead. "My beautiful lady! Fairest in the land!" He hollers.

"Hey careful buddy! We don't use that term! It's reserved for Evie." I grunt punching his arm.
"Nah. It'll be our little secret." Harry purrs in my ear before returning to making the pancakes and bacon.
I blush scarlet and begin to take out syrup and butter for our pancakes.

We sit at the small card table in Harry's cramped apartment he inherited from his dad. Harry plops a pancake on my plate. It's a heart!

I awe at Harry and give him a peck on the cheek

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I awe at Harry and give him a peck on the cheek. I grab the syrup and douse my pancake in it. I eat like a total pig but Harry didn't seem to care.
When I finished eating Harry seemed to be deep in thought. "Blue eyes?" I called, waving my hand in front of his face.
"What!?" Harry snapped out his dream like trance.
"What were you thinking about?" I asked politely.

"Olive we should go." He said very blandly.
"Well where? Gotta be a little specific blue eyes." I giggled.
"Honestly? Anywhere but here." He looks me in the eyes taking my hands.
"What why? I thought you like it here?" I questioned with a curious look.
"Birdie, the isle isn't a place for you. Just because we're married now doesn't mean the perverts of the isle won't ogle you. I don't want you to leave the house alone with me worrying that you're out there getting cat called or raped by old men in their 50s." Harry sighed rubbing his forehead with his hands.

"I see." I pause, " You said anywhere but here, so where do we go?" I frown.

Harry seems to be thinking long and hard about this for a few moments before he snaps and his face lights up. "I know where we should go!" He says rather excitedly.
"Really?! Where!" I wait anxiously in anticipation.

"Neverland!" Harry smiles gesturing with his hands as if he were a grand tour guide.

"Home." I whisper softly bowing my head. I really can't escape Peter can I? I think to myself.

"We can go there and no one will ever judge us. We'll be the rulers of our very own land!" Harry smiles a broad smile imagining it all now. "We can have a family Olive. Don't you want that?" Harry asks me with a shy yet excited smile.

"Harry I don't know what to say." I gasp trying to take in all this info at once.
"Say yes? Please?!" Harry gets to his knees and wraps his arms around my torso placing a soft kiss on my flat stomach.

"I can't believe I'm letting you do this!" I giggle hugging him back. "Yes" I nod my head getting slightly teary-eyed.

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."
- Walt E. Disney

Author's note:
One, we hit 13k😱
Two, I think I have a understanding that most of you think I'm a home wrecker and are nervous for a sequel.🙃😬
Three, I chose this quote because it reminds me of this; I couldn't be this great author of a much liked book if there wasn't all you amazing readers to make my Dream a reality🤗😢🤧😘

Until next time -Izzy 💓

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