It's You

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Harry's pov:
The queen insisted on getting this wedding on so I have gone through countless days of wedding planning crap. I miss Olive, but I need to forget her in order to keep her safe. As long as I remained unmarried to Anastasia, Birdie's head could be on the chopping block.

I watch the sunset now. It reminds me of Olive's fiery hair. "It's you and only you Olive Louise Hatter. " I whisper holding the ring up to my lips.

Olive's pov:

I watch the sunrise. I love seeing the sky turn a beautiful blue. Harry. I'm not gonna deny the fact that I miss him anymore. It's been a week without Harry and every little thing reminds me of him.

"Olive you got mail!" Dad calls from the living room.
What could it be? I wonder. I make my way to the living room from my room and Dad hands me a fancy envelope.

"Are you gonna open it?" Dad asks softly as I stare at the royal seal on it. I shake my head softly and frown.
"Would you like me to read it to you?" Dad hums with a sad smile.
"Would you?" I give him a thoughtful look.
"Of course." He whispers carefully opening the envelope.

"Addressed to Olive Hatter,
You are cordially invited to the marrying of  Princess Anastasia, daughter of the Queen of Hearts and Duke Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook.
They will be wed tomorrow at sunset.

We expect you there,
Anastasia and Harry."

Hatter pales as he reads aloud and by the time he's done I'm on the floor.
"That bastard!" Dad seethes changing appearance.

 "That bastard!" Dad seethes changing appearance

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"I'm going." I whisper confidently trying to get up from the floor. Dad gives me a hand up and looks at me questioningly.
"You sure this is a good idea? This seems like something we should discuss over tea." He chuckles nervously.
"I got this." I smirk preparing a plan in my head.

One day later

I arrive in a modest green dress just before the sunset. I make my way to a seat when I see Harry.

He stands at the alter with his hands in his pockets

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He stands at the alter with his hands in his pockets. He looks so upset, I wish I could kiss him.

He seems lost in thought before his blue eyes meet mine

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He seems lost in thought before his blue eyes meet mine. I send him a soft smile meanwhile he looks like I jut killed a puppy. I mouth to him that I have a plan and he looks at me scared. I quickly grab a seat when I hear horns trumpeting.

"Introducing the Queen of Hearts!" A guard yells as the queen comes into view. She sends me a wicked smile as she passes me and takes a seat in the front. Wesley follows in tow of the queen and takes a seat next to her.

The wedding song begins and everyone stands.
I slip from my seat to get closer to the queen. Anastasia makes her may down the isle and I honestly could care less as everyone awes at her beauty. She meets Harry at the alter and the minister began. Blah blah ceremony shit I yawn getting bored. He speaks loud and clear "DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS?"
The queen turns and glares at the shaking crowd that was most likely forced to show today.

I stand. "I Olive Louise Pan, daughter of the Mad Hatter object!" I smirk tauntingly at the queen who looks enraged. Harry sends a frightened look my way. "Olive what are you doing!?" He panics trying to get closer before Anastasia pulls him back.

"My destiny." I announce coldly, rage fueling my actions now.

"Olive no!" Harry shouts.

I reach into my dress and pull out a small shiny  dagger. I give a sinister smile of pure euphoria.

I raise it above my head before bringing it down on the queens heart.

Metal meets flesh

I rip out the dagger and I freeze...

"What have I done?"

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Ok first of all, I made that picture of Thomas Doherty. It's not real😂 you can tell by the shitty quality😅
Second, this chapter was very climatic😳
Third, the queen is dead, what now?🤗

Until next time -Izzy 💓

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