What now?!

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Evie smirked at Harry from the tree line as Olive was being dragged away by guards.
She rolled her eyes "this was way to easy. I now have the boy out of the picture." She cackled.


"You realize where you're going don't you?" Ben chuckles at Harry yet Harry isn't putting up a fight.
"At least let me say goodbye, please. I don't want to crush her heart." Harry begged raising his head to meet Ben's eyes.
"Fine. I see you in my kingdom again then I will have your head pirate." Ben drawls out telling guards to take him to Olive.

Green smoke surrounds Evie and she transforms.

"I'm back!" Peter smirks checking he's back in his normal body

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"I'm back!" Peter smirks checking he's back in his normal body.

Olive's pov:
Knocks can be heard on my door, I slump off the bed to answer. Harry falls to the floor when I open the door. "Blue eyes!" I shriek pulling him into my chest. His hands and feet are bound and his face looks down to the floor.
"Birdie I... I'm going back." Harry frowns looking at her glassy green orbs.

" Harry frowns looking at her glassy green orbs

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"What. But-but you still have the 4 days?" I whisper in confusion.
" I'm here to say goodbye." Harry hushes me.
"No! I'm not letting you go!" I say trying to gather any courage to fight the guards at the door.
"Stop Liv!" Harry shouts. "You stay far away from me if you know what's best for you!"

"Harry please! Talk to me!" I cry tears falling rapidly down my cheeks.

"I DON'T LOVE YOU!" Harry says in a  monotone voice his eyes never leaving mine.

"I DON'T LOVE YOU!" Harry says in a  monotone voice his eyes never leaving mine

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The world seemed to pause.

I sat my mind spinning. "What?" I yelped, my voice small sounding like a lost puppy.
"You heard me." Harry sighs and turns away from me.
"Harry-" I begin
"Shut up birdie! He scowls at me before he is heaved out of the room by the guards.

I collapse on the floor in silent sobs. My heart feels as if it has been ripped from my chest.
"Tough luck huh?" A familiar voice calls from the bed.

I slowly turn around and when I do I let out a small gasp

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I slowly turn around and when I do I let out a small gasp. "Dad?" My mind wandering everywhere. "You're alive?" I gulp.

"I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me

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"I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." He sneers.
"I don't understand. How?" I whisper my astonishment never slipping.
"What can I say, Peter Pan never fails" he smirks wickedly.
"Why?, why show up now? Just when my entire life has fallen apart." I question, my voice dripping sarcasm.
"You see my sweet child, I'm not a hero. I never was, never will be." Peter countered.
"But V, Viridian he died for you! You could have stopped him!" I screamed at him charging at him. He sidestepped me and I crashed onto the bed.
"Not for me, because of me." Peter coaxed.
"What." I deadpanned
"Such soft whispers that ate at his mind. Truly some of my best work if I do say so myself" Peter chuckled at the thought.
"You're a murder! Guards-" I began to shout but he quickly moved a hand over my mouth.
"Pretty pretty words." Peter clicked his tongue. "I have a proposition."
"Speak now or forever hold your peace." I spat in his face.
Peter wiped my spit off his face before continuing, " I'm going to rule Auradon very soon and I am inviting you to rule beside me or submit to me like everyone will soon." Peters eyebrow raised.

" Peters eyebrow raised

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"Never! I cursed.
"Oh you will regret your words, and to think you had such potential." Peter sighed cupping my cheek...

"You and me. We're gonna watch the world  burn."

"Oh, the cleverness of me!
-J.M. Barrie Peter Pan

Author's note:
Haha 😈 so pan's back!
The world will burn. My crops are flourishing.
Don't fret children, all will come to a happy ending.😏
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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