Ocean eyes

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Narrator pov:
Olive and Harry gave each other a awkward look and everyone remained silent. Wesley slowly pieced the puzzle together.
"Oh!..Oh my! ...Shit!" Wesley cursed when he came to realization.  "So you said..." he trailed off.
"I said no, Wesley." Olive bites her lip looking at the ground.
They stayed quiet after that and Harry reached over and held Olive's hand.
"But you're my Otp?!" Wesley shouts dramatically.
"Er teh what?" Harry stammered trying to decipher the word.
"One true paring! Look it up biatch!" The white rabbit sassed

The red queen was listening in on their conversation and she had a satisfied smirk upon her pale face

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The red queen was listening in on their conversation and she had a satisfied smirk upon her pale face.
"Harry and I are taking things slow. Doesn't mean we love each other any less." Olive sighed ignoring Wesley's outburst.
"She's all I've got and more. We complete each other." Harry smiled lovingly at Olive.

"What a lovely gathering. I seem to have forgotten my invite." The red queen smirked entering the group.
Olive gave the queen a scowl and Harry pulled Olive into his embrace.
"We had a deal! You said you won't come near her!" Harry shouted at the queen trying to hide Olive behind him.
"Ah yes, but you couldn't uphold your part young duke." The queen chuckled menacingly before clicking her tongue.

Olive's pov:

"Harry what deal? What didn't you do?" I began to have a nervous sweat as she taunted him.
Harry stayed silent as if he let me down.

"Your boy toy is not yours you twat." The queen's wicked smile grew.
"He is promised to princess Anastasia." She whispered in my ear and chills spread throughout my body as if turning me to stone.
I feel tears well up in my eyes but I hold them in, he is a traitor. He doesn't deserve my tears.

"Birdie?" Harry whispers trying to get a response.
I simply turn my head away from him to Wesley. Wesley is doodling on his hand with a sharpie before he holds his hand up for Harry to read.

 Wesley is doodling on his hand with a sharpie before he holds his hand up for Harry to read

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I give Wesley a weak smile.
"So young Duke, what's it gonna be? A rolling head or high royal status?" The queen queries Harry teasingly.

My eyes meet Harry's one last time and I give him a reassuring smile...

I'll marry Anastasia." Harry sighs, his head hangs low in shame.

" Harry sighs, his head hangs low in shame

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"No." I croak my voice breaking with each letter.
"I did it for you." Harry whispers trying to meet my eyes again.
"No, you did it for yourself. I'm not good enough I guess." I keep my eyes to the ground trying to hide my tear stained red cheeks.

"Birdie please." Harry pleaded raising my chin with his calloused fingers. "I can't leave you." He whispers seeing my tears.
"But you did!" I snap my anger riling up.
"Am I just your guilty pleasure Harry!? You know the second I saw you on the isle I thought gee you could be different than the rest. You just proved me wrong Harry. You're nothing but a villain." I hiss trying to contain my rapid emotions that are banging against my skull like a drum.

" I hiss trying to contain my rapid emotions that are banging against my skull like a drum

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"You don't mean that Birdie?" Harry froze trying to grab my hand.
"No. I do." I whisper before letting out a small laugh. "Funny that's the only I do you'll be getting from me." I put up a lazy smile.

Harry clenches his fists so tight they are white.
"Olive I love you." Harry whimpers his voice giving small cracks in his accent.

"You really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes." I frown before following the path back to dad's house.

"The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours"
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Hey! So TODAY WE HIT 7k 😵 I'm literally dead.
We are so close to 10k which is honestly my goal for this book.
I don't believe I'm a successful writer at all.
I'm so thankful for all of you😩😭😍
I feel terrible for writing a sad chapter like this but I'm getting to the climax and it's just getting good😊
Also I chose the quote as a representation of Olive and Harry's relationship: the more love Harry shows for Olive the less sure she is that she's his only one.😅🙃😬
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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