Here comes a thought

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Olive's pov:
Serves him right, all he does is keep secrets from me. I keep growling on my way to the house. He really mustn't love me, everyone who does always gets ripped from me anyway. I hate to admit it but I miss Peter. I wanted him to be the dad I had when I was small.

I reached home and fell straight into bed where I had dreams of my childhood.

*Flashback Dream*
"Papa! We simply must have a tea party!" I squealed pulling out a nice red blanket from the cupboard.
Peter looked at the small girl's eagerness and gave her a nod. "I'll make the tea, you set up my dear." Peter coed at the small child brushing back one of her bouncy red curls.
I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me through the forest.

I came to a halt when I reached Neverland's smooth meadow of green grass

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I came to a halt when I reached Neverland's smooth meadow of green grass. I then set down my bag and threw out the blanket to spread it out.

I sat and waited with my stuffed animal bunny and waited for papa to arrive with the tea

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I sat and waited with my stuffed animal bunny and waited for papa to arrive with the tea. What felt like ages he appeared in a poof with a tray of tea. I was startled and let out a squeal. "Papa you scared me!" I giggled, hugging my bunny close to my chest.
"I know sweets. Now how would you like your tea?" He smiled kindly pouring me some into my cup.
"SUGAR!" I screeched with joy.
"One cube only, you already ate a candy bar earlier young lady." Peter scolded.

*End Flashback*

When I woke the sun was peeking through my window. I groaned before getting up and ultimately pausing. What do I do now? If I don't have Harry then who am I? I just return to being the Hatter's daughter, but is that all I want? I wish things were simpler.

Harry's pov:

I seem to be stuck on repeat, every time I've seen Olive in Wonderland all she's done is run away from me. She doesn't believe I trust her, which is quite understandable considering the amount of trouble she gets into on a daily basis. I shove my hands in my coat pockets and my fingers pull out the ring.
I let out a soft sigh shaking my head. "It's you and only you Birdie." I mumble before kissing the ring.

"Harry are you coming?" The red queen asks waking me from my thoughts.
I look down at the ring once more before nodding and sticking the ring back into my pocket.

"Yes your majesty

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"Yes your majesty." I reply collecting myself before continuing after her to the palace.
I will not let you lose your head Olive.

Olive's pov:

The Hatter was quite happy to in invite me to tea at noon and I gladly showed. We sat at a large table in the front yard with a array of teapots.
"Olive I have a surprise for you!" The Hatter smiled giddily.
"So kind of you." I gave him a thoughtful smile as he handed me a small gift box.
"Merry unbirthday Olive!" He congratulated me and I began to tear the paper.

I gasped seeing a familiar stuffed animal.
"My bunny!"

"Where did you find it?!" I gasp hugging it to my chest

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"Where did you find it?!" I gasp hugging it to my chest.
"It fell from the sky one day?" The Hatter shrugged. "Does it have a name Olive?" He asks curiously.

I let out a weak smile.

his name is Harry." I chuckle.

"My dad- well kidnapper gave him to me." I hum telling him. "I didn't see as a child how badly this name will haunt me in the future." I huff trying not to cry.
I miss you blue eyes.

"It was much pleasanter at home," thought poor Alice, "when one wasn't always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits. I almost wish I hadn't gone down the rabbit-hole--and yet--and yet-"
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
The next chapter I plan to reck all of your emotions so this was my somewhat happy chapter before that.😂
See I suck at writing happy stuff.🤔
I have a idea of how I want the next few chapters to go and I think everyone will like it.☺️
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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