I love you

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Narrator pov:
Olive sinks to the floor staring at the blood on her hands. "What have I done?" She whispers.

The wedding guests begin to cheer after coming to realization of what just happened. "The savior! The savior!" They chanted. Their cheers echoed in Olive's head as she began to cry. Anastasia stood frozen in shock at the alter, Harry stood with a equally shocked expression. The crowds began to surround Olive with cheers while she sat miserable.

Harry calmly told the crowd to return home before he knelt near Olive. "Birdie? Can you talk to me please?" Harry asked softly to her shaking figure. Olive continued to look down at her blood stained hands in fear. She whips her head up and stares into Harry's eyes.

"I'm a murderer and they're all cheering." She sneers returning her gaze to her hands.
"Olive, no. You are anything but a murder." Harry tried to convince her pulling her into his chest but she stays away.
"I am a murder. You just saw what I did! Stay away from me, wouldn't want to ruin your suit." She hiccups shaking her head.

Harry loosens his tie and takes off his coat.

"I don't give a damn what you are, Olive! If you think I cared what you were, would I still want to kiss you right now?" Harry groans trying to get her to see his point

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"I don't give a damn what you are, Olive! If you think I cared what you were, would I still want to kiss you right now?" Harry groans trying to get her to see his point.

"You'd what?!" Olive gasps her eyes widening. Harry growls in frustration before tackling her into a kiss.

They kiss with such passion that Wesley claps in the background cheering them on

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They kiss with such passion that Wesley claps in the background cheering them on. Harry smiles into the kiss becoming more lustful. They break away from the kiss for air and Harry has a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"I love you Blue eyes." Olive smiles biting her lip.
"I love you and only you Birdie." Harry returns the smile.

"Yes! My ship is happening!" Wesley fist pumps the sky

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"Yes! My ship is happening!" Wesley fist pumps the sky. Cheering like a kid who was told they can stay up late.

Olive and Harry lean their foreheads on each other staring at one another with joy. Anastasia storms off in a jealous rage and everyone chuckles. "Should we be worried she's gonna be just like her mom?" Olive giggles.
"Nah, A is chill." Harry laughs bopping Olive's noise.

"I have somewhere to show you." Harry smirks pulling Olive up. "Wesley you can come if you want?" Harry suggested.
"Thanks hare bear but I'm gonna go hang out with Cheshire. He invited me to Netflix and chill." Wesley smirks running off.

Harry's pov:

"Keep your eyes closed." I coo in her ear.
"Where are we going?" Olive whines pouting.
"Shhh... its a secret. We're almost there." I chuckle guiding her.

"Ok open your eyes on three.
                         Three!" I shout.

"Harry! It's the forest where we first got here to Wonderland!" Olive squeals hugging me with adoration

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"Harry! It's the forest where we first got here to Wonderland!" Olive squeals hugging me with adoration.

She turns to look at the view.
"That's not all birdie." I smile teasingly.
"Hmmm.?" She asks turning around.

"Olive Louise Pan or Hatter. I tried once and I will try once more. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I smile so wide waiting for her response as I wait with our ring in my hand.

 Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I smile so wide waiting for her response as I wait with our ring in my hand

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"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you Harry!" She smiles crying happy tears pulling me into a sloppy kiss.

I slip the ring onto her finger and we both laugh

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I slip the ring onto her finger and we both laugh. "Adventures out there. Right?" I smirk teasingly.
"Always." Birdie replies kissing my cheek.

"Who am I then? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I'll come up: if not, I'll stay down here till I'm somebody else"
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Oml we are so close to ten thousand reads😳😵 I'm literally dead.
Yay the ship sailed smoothly 😂👏🏻
I don't know what else to say so bye👋🏻
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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