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Harry's pov:
"What the hell Anastasia!?" I screech looking  back at where Olive ran off.
She lets out a small giggle. "Oops."

"You can't stop the queen Harry

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"You can't stop the queen Harry. You realize that right?" Anastasia sighs rubbing her temples.
"I'm willing to make sure that head doesn't leave that body! You're not gonna stop me A!" I seethe.
"It's her destiny to die Harry, there is no stopping that. I'm sorry." She drawls putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Enough of your fake sympathy." I shake her off heading out in the forest.
"I'm making sure you stay safe Harry. I'm just looking out for you." Anastasia pleads her lip quivering.
"Stay out of this." I shake me head at her before treading into the forest.

Olive's pov:

I run farther into the forest. "How could you Harry!?" I scream falling to the ground. My sobs are uncontrollable.
"Excuse me miss?" I hear a dainty voice call.
"Who's there?" I call out, shakily standing and making my way down the stone path.

"Who's there?" I call out, shakily standing and making my way down the stone path

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"Come closer dear." The voice sounds soft like butter.
"Please come out, don't be afraid." I call out calmly.

"Where have you been lurking?" The voice becomes a figure and I jumped frightened

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"Where have you been lurking?" The voice becomes a figure and I jumped frightened.
"You're the- the-" I sputter.

"Queen of hearts, quite so." She smiles softly.
I can't tell if she wants to invite me to tea or choke me to death.

Blue-Eyed Boy [in editing hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now