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Olive's pov:
Harry kept giving me loving looks all afternoon when we were playing 20 questions. I sometimes awe at how he can be so handsome, his father must work for Abercrombie to produce something as hot as Harry.
"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks, gently squeezing my hand.
"Home." I lied, well not technically. If this dork knew I was thinking about him it'd go straight to his head where his large ego is kept.
"Awe, you thinking about me how sweet?" Harry purrs.
"Shut up!" I slugged him. "The sun is setting!" I smiled.

"You know what they say, Adventure is out there!" Harry chuckled

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"You know what they say, Adventure is out there!" Harry chuckled.
"Oh my gosh! You've seen the movie Up?!" I gasped squealing.
"Psh no. That movie is for babies. Who said I cried watching it?" Harry scoffs at my accusations.
"I never said anything about you crying. I caught you! You're such a girl Harry." I teased poking my finger at his chest.
"Haha so... sunset ayy?" Harry coughed trying to change the conversation to get out Olive embarrassing him.
"We are waiting for the stars." I sighed dreamily collapsing into Harry's arms.
"What do you plan to do when we get to Neverland?" Harry asks curiously.

"Hmmm... I haven't put much thought into that. I suppose I wish to visit the mermaids again." I shrugged.
"Mermaids?" Harry gaped in astonishment.
"Yeah. Dad would take me every couple of years when I was very small and we'd visit mermaids and built tree houses." I breathed thinking of all the good memories flooding back into my brain with such euphoria.

"Do you miss him?" Harry asks seriously.

"I don't really know anymore Harry. See he used to be so kind and I just don't know what happened. I mean I do know what happened but you just can't erase the bad memories." I sighed snuggling into his arms.

"I see." Harry whispered hugging her tight.


"Look birdie the second star to the right!" Harry pointed smiling as I grabbed my bag of stuff.

"Look birdie the second star to the right!" Harry pointed smiling as I grabbed my bag of stuff

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"I know blue eyes." I smiled softly. "Are you ready? We could could always go back to the isle or something if you want?" I asked tapping my nails together.
"Shhhh. I'm sure I'll love Neverland, now will you quit worrying." Harry hushed kissing my cheek.

(Narrator perspective thingy)
Olive and Harry laced there hands and smiled lovingly at one another. This was it. They were finally getting a fresh start.
"Now remember Harry. Think happy thoughts and they will lift you off the ground." Olive giggled sprinkling pixie dust on his head.

In mere seconds Harry was off the ground.
"Whoa! What did you think of?!" Olive gasped at how he sprung off the ground like a rocket ship.
"You." Harry smiled adoringly.

And with that notion they took to the skies.
They felt as if nothing could stop them now as they approached the gleaming star.

"I heard from Freddie that these two stars have names." Olive pointed out to Harry.
"Really? What?" Harry asks smoothly
"Ray and Evangeline. Freddie says her dad killed Ray  who was a firefly and then he turned into a star in the sky to meet his lover Evangeline." Olive awed
"So poetic." Harry purred snagging Olive's attention as they passed through the star.


They landed on the beach and Olive started to panic.
"No No No!" Olive grunted looking around at the trees.

"This isn't normal! This isn't home!" Olive yipped running farther into the forest

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"This isn't normal! This isn't home!" Olive yipped running farther into the forest.
"Olive wait! What's wrong!?" Harry called after her.

Harry looked down at the small velvet box in his hands.
"It'll have to wait." Harry sighed closing the box before following her through the foliage.

Olive stops when she  sees strange white flowers dripping with

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Olive stops when she  sees strange white flowers dripping with... Red Paint?

"Harry I don't think we're in Neverland." Olive quivers tearing up.

"My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that."
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
I'm very proud, I've just thrown the biggest curve ball of the century. Harry wants to propose😱 haha I feel so mean leaving it there.
Haha and the quote is not one of Peter Pan!?
Questions are raised😈😂
I literally thought of this plot twist seconds before making this the end of the book.😳
Is that a good thing? We will see😬
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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